X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - March 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 27th, 2008

Hey kids! [Mar. 27th, 2008|12:08 am]


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Good news! First of all (the lesser of two goods) I'm gonna take Siryn on, because she was lonely and sad, and we have very few students (although, for the plot, that's probably a good thing).

Secondly! I found an icon uploader for InsaneJournal! Yay! Now we can upload multiple files at once. Check it out here.

That's all!


P.S. The uploader didn't exactly work for me. Maybe some of you will have better luck. Also, if anyone wants to play with Siryn, lemme know!
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Eat... like Sna-ake! [Mar. 27th, 2008|03:27 pm]


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So. This is totally how Voldemort eats his Triple Whoppers.


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