X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - March 6th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 6th, 2008

Whoot, whoot, massive tag coming. [Mar. 6th, 2008|01:38 pm]


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Major details aside, I'd like to mentioned that everyone can go ahead and ignore the 'two in-character on-going threads per character' rule, because we'd like to see everyone involved in the upcoming event and because no one has had any issues with character-whoring since we were back on GJ. lol

So, don't fret about that.

The major details and factoids:

We'll be posting a thread (today?) tagging everyone that will take place in around 10:00pm to 2:00am at Xavier's. A pair of mutants on guard duty will locate/sense an onslaught of hoarding creatures (who I think need a nickname, personally, any ideas? The Hairless? Heh. Rabid-Cannibal-Zombies? anyway... Darkseekers?) who are being 'commanded' or led by a handful of alpha male types. This group (numbers in the hundreds) has been stalking and spying upon the X-lot for at least a little while now. It will be discovered that a side mutation of their, well, mutation is that they have an ability that many, many mutants in the x-gene community do - telepathic resistance. Now, their minds can be read and they can be mind-controlled, yes. On the flip side, in huge numbers with a common goal and heightened vital functions and body performance, paired with this side effect of the Cure Virus, they will be extremely difficult for telepaths to control or to tap into.

We considered sending the Professor (and Jean?) to see Moira and check on her progress or to trade notes on the cure matter, but we think it would be more interesting (and with less character-isolation) to give the critters an unforseen advantage.

So! With all that said, I thought I should add a few thoughts that were shared (between Dan [new mod!] and I) last night.

We think there should be a group of people who have decided to remain indoors (at least until all of the children are safe and secure in the lower levels). These people should probably be the older students and the individuals with less offensive abilities.

So folks with long-range powers and healing abilities/strength should be the ones that go outdoors immediately to defend the estate. Even if you can wield a sword or shotgun, these things are still going to be pummeling you en masse and plan to eat you. So, unless you can heal, it'd be best to stay wide.

That said, we think there would be a line formed (however wide it need be, depending on the approach of the mass) of people with long-range abilities, with either a line behind or directly in front of them of people like Wolverine, Colossus, Emma, etc.

As for the refugees (Poison, Wren, Oni, Sunspot) you can decide how you would like to participate. If you want to stay in bed, fine - help with the leiblings? also fine. You can also feel free to join the fight. Also fine! :)

I know some of you haven't made it to the mansion yet, but we're planning to post this to occur mid-March, so threads with your arrival can still be posted, but keep in mind, you haven't been around for very long so you don't need to worry too much about established relationships, etc. If you'd like to discuss things OOC with players of certain characters that you think your pups would've interacted with and/or you'd like them to during the battle, that'd be totally cool and encouraged.

Time frame - the creatures are going to be about a mile or two off, so you can have your individuals choose whether or not they A) get dressed or B) suit up. It's mid-March in upstate New York, but we'll say the weather is fairly mild. I imagine after an alarm is set off, they'd have around 10-15 minutes to get outside and figure out what's going on (those who haven't spoken with the guard and/or have heightened senses. I imagine these things smell terrible).

I'm going to end here, but please check back for edits, lol, and comment with any questions you have. :D

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Back! [Mar. 6th, 2008|03:01 pm]



I'm back from vacation and very much wanting to play and plot with everyone! :) Contact me or comment here and you can have anything you want from Kitty!
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