X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - February 20th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 20th, 2008

i loathe you snow! [Feb. 20th, 2008|03:30 pm]


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I wanted to give everyone a head's up that, apparently, there's an awful snow storm slated to hit Maryland in the next two days. It's snowing now, but I'm hoping it will be gone soon. This is also putting a damper on our plans to fly to Florida on Saturday for our cruise.

So -- we're tossing around ideas of flying out tomorrow or leaving tomorrow afternoon and driving down to Ft. Lauderdale. We're still not sure with our plans, so my departure date may be a bit sooner than originally planned. If we do decide to leave tomorrow, I'll just post this now:

Kitty is suppose to be participating on a rescue mission. She's posted in the thread, so feel free to puppet her as needed. :)

All that said -- when I get back (should be around March 6), I definitely want to get in to writing more logs with everyone. I really like the google doc method, so that will probably end up being preferred unless whoever I'm logging with prefers something else.
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