December 14th, 2010

[info]wolvverine in [info]x_2012

Happy [backdated] Birthday!

Who: Logan (OT Laura's reaction)
What: Logan has just found out Laura's birthdate and leaves her a little something.
When: [Backdated] December 10th, Laura's birthday.
Where: Outside Laura's room door
Warnings: TBD

There was a mysterious gift bag in front of Laura's door... )

[info]rictor_scale in [info]x_2012

Ric would have glared

Who: Ric, closed narrative
What: A most unpleasant welcome home
When: December 14th, evening
Where: Somewhere in Mexico...
Warnings: Language, mild torture, all around unpleasantness.
but trying to glare hurt too damn bad )

[info]gav7 in [info]x_2012

What's a little hobo chic between friends...?

Who: Shatterstar
What: Narrative
When: December 14th, 2014
Where: Mutant Town
Warnings: None at the moment.

We must remember wounds so deep Take time to heal And sometimes though we struggle still Life seems surreal - Nevermore )