November 20th, 2010

[info]piskie in [info]x_2012

don't have to look hard, you're not gangsta

Who: Pixie OT Multiple Man
What: Megan runs into some Sentinel trouble, Jamie helps out.
When: Saturday evening
Where: Back streets of Mutant Town
Warnings: Meanness, some cussing, ~THUG LYFE~

you live with your mum and you work in asda. so what, you gonna start a fight, you can't have one dance on a saturday night? )

[info]elixir_of_life in [info]x_2012

Who: Elixir and Hemlock
What: Josh gives Lotte a drive into NY for work and they have dinner beforehand.
When: Saturday night, lateish
Where: Mutant Town
Warnings: None

Weekly dinner date )

[info]counterfeited in [info]x_2012

Diary of a lab rat

Who: Counterfeit (Bryan Jensen)
What: Narrative: A scene relived over the course of his capture, several times.
When: [BACKDATED] Mid-week
Where: Undisclosed Perfect Soldier Program location
Warnings: Language, violence, torture of sorts
Note: Reposted from his journal, since it should have been on the comm all along *facepalm*

Subject 2406375M responding well to current cocktail. Formula MGH-6934 coming up for trials at 0800 hours. Recording the effects of sustained fatigue coupled with emotional distress on Day 4 of treatment. )

[info]wolvverine in [info]x_2012

A rescue, of sorts

Who: Wolverine, Rube, Counterfeit
What: The Haven catches a break, Bryan comes home
When: Saturday mid-afternoon
Where: On the road, then Mountain Medical Services, Saranac Lake, NY
Warnings: Strong language and profanity. Violence is likely.

A buncha bears in the Air over Saranac Lake, folks. The County Mounty just blew my doors off. Whoah, and there go the meat wagons. Looks like big fishing over on the lake. Sure sounds like a 10-33 on the water there. )

[info]shaman2012 in [info]x_2012

Who: Nate Grey OT Rascal
What: Day 16 of Having a Body Again, or, People are strange.
When: Saturday morning
Where: Haven
Warnings: TBD

3 Things Nate Grey Knew to be True. Clothes sucked. Skies were beautiful enough he always wanted to be able to see them. Rascal was fascinating and strange in equal measure. )
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[info]warpath_2012 in [info]x_2012

Who: Warpath, X23
What: A discovery that leads to a rescue
When: Saturday night/Sunday morning
Where: Perfect Soldier base
Warnings: Violence

Secret bases were never really secret )