September 22nd, 2010

[info]black_dog_ in [info]x_2012

Who: Nik, OT ferals
What: Just a talk
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Haven common room
Warnings: Bunch of ferals in one room. Could be damn near anything

Nik had no idea what to do )

[info]_scion_ in [info]x_2012

A necessary phone call

Who: Frederick standalone
What: A necessary phone call
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Haven
Warnings: None

Hello, Mr. Lehnsherr? )

[info]iamwe in [info]x_2012

Xavier or Magneto? Action or patience?

Who: Multiple Man, OT Wisdom
What: Seeking advice
When: Thursday evening
Where: wisdom's room
Warnings: Wisdom has a potty mouth
Terrorism or victimization?  )