April 2nd, 2010

[info]petitmort in [info]x_2012

Who: Vivien and Velouria
What: getting in a workout before going out to do sneaky things
When: nine pm
Where: the halls on the way to the gym
Warnings: Vivien might curse.
'Cause we got a taste for champagne and endless fortune )

[info]argentum_velox in [info]x_2012

Who: Lorna and Pietro
What: Date night
When: Friday night
Where: in town
Warnings: none right now

Date night )

[info]just_a_touch in [info]x_2012

Who: Memory and Gambit
What: Depressed piano playing.
When: Apr. 3rd, Sat. Morning
Where: Parlor, at the piano.
Status: Complete
Warnings: Depressing words, other that that, none so far.

She was so naive and stupid and even childish... )

[info]thor_ in [info]x_2012

Who: Thor OT Karr, Gambit, Pyro, Prism
What: Poker Night
When: Friday Night
Where: Rec Room
Warnings: language, drinking, gambling. I think that should cover it o/
Boys Night In )

[info]hurricaneborn in [info]x_2012

Who: Storm OT Anyone who would have Danger Room Clearance
When: Evening, April 2 Friday
Where: The Danger Room
What: Storm is practicing with a more destructive side of her abilities.

Let's go play with lightning, shall we? )