When World's Collide -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
When Worlds Collide PSL

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Alaric, Allison, Caroline, Damon, Elena, Eric, Heaven, Jake, Jeremy, Rebekah, Stefan & vamp!Willow [10 Jul 2013|04:19am]
Caroline had no idea what the hell was going on. An earthquake, okay, fine, she could deal with that. She had been through a whole lot worse in her life. Not that she was actually alive, mind you, she was a vampire, but that was besides the point right now. This was not a normal earthquake. If the huge cracks in the ground and disappearing people hadn't been a big enough clue already, half of the university building suddenly changing color and standing a few feet further to the right would have definitely cued her in that something supernatural was going on.

Caroline slightly shook her head and shrieked in frustration. She had just started to get used to having an almost normal life, and now this! Was it too much to ask that nothing weird happened and ruined her college experience? High School had already been one disaster after the other. She deserved some peace and quiet, didn't she? They all did after everything that happened!

Sighing she tried to stay on her feet and unsteadily made her way towards the dorm to go check if her best friend Elena was alright. Not that Caroline was worried about her getting injured in the earthquake. Elena was a vampire, too, and pretty tough, but people had disappeared right in front of her eyes, so this was serious!

"Elena," she called opening the door to the common room of their apartment. However, before she had a chance to enter she heard someone shouting her name and turned around. A frown appeared on her face as she noticed who it was.

"Rebekah?! Should have known that one of you had something to do with this!"
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