Wrockstock 2008

Bigger, Better, and Hotter

Wrockstock 2008

Welcome to the Official Wrockstock 2008 IJ! Here you will find links to all the info you need about Wrockstock- from getting your tickets to connecting with other attendees. Also, keep an eye out for important announcements about the weekend like merchandise sale dates, schedules, and events!

If you have any questions, feel free to pop on over to our forums (link below) and drop us a line!


February 4th, 2008

Attention all Wrockstockers!

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Wrockstock has got a Valentine's gift for all of you!

With our new online registration system up and running, Wrockstock Pass sales, bus ticket sales, and NEWTs sign-ups will open on Valentine's day. Why then, you ask? Why, because we love you all and want each and everyone of you to be our Valentine! So this is our gift you you: an easy way to register for Wrockstock!

Registration will be open until April 15th, 2008- some exceptions may be able to be made for stragglers, but only if you email us and ask VERY nicely (and buy us some chocolate).

Remember that you must have a reservation at Trout Lodge before attempting to buy your Wrockstock Pass. Without that reservation, your order will be rejected and your money refunded. Also, you will need to have purchased your Wrockstock Pass before being aloud to check in to the lodge that weekend, so if you've already made your reservation don't forget to get your Pass as well! As an added bonus for everyone, we're combining check-in for Wrockstock with check-in for the lodge this year so that it's one easy step- how's that for love, eh?

For those of you who have not made your reservation at the lodge yet, not to fear! The lodge is only about 1/4 full, leaving plenty of rooms, suites and available. Be careful, though, and don't wait too long to make your reservation- every week more and more people are making their reservations and we'd hate to see you miss out. Reservations for the lodge will remain open until April first, at which point any remaining space will be offered to the Muggles on their waiting list for that weekend, which means that there's no leeway for stragglers on this one.

Don't forget that we still have DVD's and lots of other great merchandise on sale! You can find the DVD's at Our Marketplace, and all the funny items we could come up with at Our Store. And, of course, every purchase made ultimately benefits the Harry Potter Alliance.

Well, that's all for now ladies and gents! Much love and Happy Valentine's Day from all of us at Wrockstock!
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