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Weekly Goal Post #2 [Jan. 10th, 2012|01:40 pm]


OKAY. This is woefully late because I've been so freaking busy, but here we go. Less form-y than the first post since that was just to get an idea of what people are doing, but here we go!
Did you make your first week goal? Why/why not?
What is your goal for this week?
Link5 scribblings|scribble

Weekly Goal Post #1 [Jan. 2nd, 2012|09:52 pm]


Welcome to the first weekly goal post of [info]writingpals!

Here's how it works: any time this week (January 2nd-9th) you can comment this entry with your weekly word count goal. On Sunday the 8th, a second post will go up where you can comment detailing how much of your goal you achieved.

So fill out this simple form and good luck on your goal!

Starting Word Count: (how many words you have as of the filling out of this form)
Goal: (For this week! In number of words - outlines, world building and character sheets can count towards it!)
Long-Term Goals: (how long do you want to take on this project, do you want to have 50% in a couple of weeks, etc.)
Describe Your Project: (OPTIONAL. Can be anything from a detailed synopsis to a few buzz words.

Good luck!
Link9 scribblings|scribble

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