Original Fic Writing Workshop

Arabian Princess posting in Original Fic Writing Workshop
User: [info]woodlandelf
Date: 2008-11-30 21:00
Subject: NaNoWriMo = Evil...but I WON!
Security: Public
Tags:babble, nanowrimo

I stayed up all night last night.... I took a 5-hour nap after church.... I have 50,094 words!!! About 30 or so of those are from the chapter titles, but I still made it! It took Christmas song lyrics, a bit of breaking down the fourth wall, explaining in detail how to wrap a present, and a bunch of filler...but I MADE IT! *dies*

Babble on my overall process and how I made it )

Babbling on my novel )

I have a text file of my novel, so if anyone should want to read it in its roughest form, let me know! I'll e-mail it to you, but just know you'll cringe. ^_^ Since WriteMonkey doesn't let me italicize one word, I have use the following: *italics* and _underline_. I should have used *italic/* and _underline/_ so that I could have at least used the search and replace later for HTML tags, but I thought of it too late.

Things I learned from NaNo? NaNo is evil, but when you've won it, it doesn't seem too evil. I can get a novel written (whether it's good or not is another thing). I don't need a writing buddy, which is good as I've been abandoned by [info]cozzybob. ^_~ /teasing No matter how busy I may be, that is no excuse not to write; I can always make time. 1,000 words per day is the pace I should be at for a novel I'm not trying to write in a month. My word pace for November was 2,000 words/day so that I would finish on the 25th (you see how well it worked), and while I made it to NaNo, I think 1,000 words/day is the pace I need for my "real" novel.

While I don't need a writing buddy, I still think I want one, but we'll see. There are probably other lessons I learned, but I can't think of them. I've babbled way too much already, and you're either ignoring me or if you've made it this far, you're wanting me to shut up. ^^

How did the rest of you participating fare? Learn anything? Whether you've done/you're doing NaNo, how is your novel(s) coming along? You may hear more from me soon on how novel(s) is/are coming.

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Arabian Princess posting in Original Fic Writing Workshop
User: [info]woodlandelf
Date: 2008-11-12 16:30
Subject: NaNoWriMo = Evil
Security: Public
Tags:babble, venting

The ones who would see this as a repeat aren't checking their flists (or if they are, it's with a filter for just comms), so I assume no one will notice that they've read this already. It's nothing really specific, just a bit of venting. ^_~

NaNo is horrible! I set myself up with the timetable of 2,000 words a day, and I've been behind every single day except for ONE! One night I stayed up until 3a or 4a. I had a bad extended weekend from Thursday to Monday as far as writing went. I should have had 22,000 words by the end of yesterday; I had 15,500 going into the day. I stayed up until 5a this morning to end up with 20,500. I slept until 2p. I was disgusted with myself at how long I slept, but then I remembered how late I went to bed. Hopefully I'll get to 24,000 or at least to 23,000 by tonight, and I will be going to bed a reasonable time (though I'll be taking an allergy pill to assure it (also because my allergies are acting up)).

In other news, this "novel" has completely gone off course from what I originally thought it would be like, but I still love it. In fact, I think I love it more (even though it's atrocious without too much editing). It doesn't take much for a plot to go off course when you just quickly slapped together a loose plot right before November, though. ^^ When I finish it, I plan on posting what all I've learned from this as well as a more detailed report on my novel (if I don't get too lazy). Today, you just got my random babbling.

My NaNoWriMo ProFile | My NaNoWriMo ProGresS

Now, I'm off to do homework and online tests so that I can spend my evening and the next few days solely focused on NaNo. Whoo.... (Remind me again why I wanted to win this?)

Edit: I love using WriteMonkey for NaNo, though it's word count is so off I need to use an online tool.

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September 2009