Original Fic Writing Workshop - November 30th, 2008

kitsune_wolf posting in Original Fic Writing Workshop
User: [info]writing_101 (posted by [info]kitsune_wolf)
Date: 2008-11-30 15:45
Subject: So much For Happy Endings
Security: Public

I know I said I wouldn't post the graphic everytime I post, but it is a months worth of updates. ^_~

So Much 4 Happy Endings... Writing_101 challange, post a min of 500 words a week with little to no planning before hand.

Summary: In the age of Darkness Year 4099 The Son of the Archmage meets the White Princess...

Part 1 - 700 words
Part 2 - 943 words
Part 3 - 568 words
*New as of November*
Part 4 - 910 Words
Interlude: Omens - 1096 Words
Part 5 - 1133 Words
Part 6 - 565 Words

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Arabian Princess posting in Original Fic Writing Workshop
User: [info]writing_101 (posted by [info]woodlandelf)
Date: 2008-11-30 21:00
Subject: NaNoWriMo = Evil...but I WON!
Security: Public
Tags:babble, nanowrimo

I stayed up all night last night.... I took a 5-hour nap after church.... I have 50,094 words!!! About 30 or so of those are from the chapter titles, but I still made it! It took Christmas song lyrics, a bit of breaking down the fourth wall, explaining in detail how to wrap a present, and a bunch of filler...but I MADE IT! *dies*

Babble on my overall process and how I made it )

Babbling on my novel )

I have a text file of my novel, so if anyone should want to read it in its roughest form, let me know! I'll e-mail it to you, but just know you'll cringe. ^_^ Since WriteMonkey doesn't let me italicize one word, I have use the following: *italics* and _underline_. I should have used *italic/* and _underline/_ so that I could have at least used the search and replace later for HTML tags, but I thought of it too late.

Things I learned from NaNo? NaNo is evil, but when you've won it, it doesn't seem too evil. I can get a novel written (whether it's good or not is another thing). I don't need a writing buddy, which is good as I've been abandoned by [info]cozzybob. ^_~ /teasing No matter how busy I may be, that is no excuse not to write; I can always make time. 1,000 words per day is the pace I should be at for a novel I'm not trying to write in a month. My word pace for November was 2,000 words/day so that I would finish on the 25th (you see how well it worked), and while I made it to NaNo, I think 1,000 words/day is the pace I need for my "real" novel.

While I don't need a writing buddy, I still think I want one, but we'll see. There are probably other lessons I learned, but I can't think of them. I've babbled way too much already, and you're either ignoring me or if you've made it this far, you're wanting me to shut up. ^^

How did the rest of you participating fare? Learn anything? Whether you've done/you're doing NaNo, how is your novel(s) coming along? You may hear more from me soon on how novel(s) is/are coming.

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September 2009