Writing 50000 Words
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Saturday, November 8th, 2008

    Time Event
    Argh, lack of sleep
    I got too little sleep all this week, most of which was due to That Thing Happening The Other Side of the Atlantic, part of which was due to work stuff, and the rest of it, Wrimowrimo.

    But last night I stupidly stayed up till *way* too late after getting in late, trying to crank out another 1500 words beyond what my brain was capable of, and of course did not succeed. Now I feel crappy this morning, and not in the least like pushing out even another hundred words...

    big resolutions not to do that again, okay?

    I missed my target by 1308 words - I aimed to have 12 500 words written, and have 11,192. (The boring, detailed, day by day posts are filtered on my journal...)

    Still. That is 10 000 words more than I usually manage to get written in a week, lately, so I won't repine too much. Also I know now how I can finish the last three sections of "The Players", and have an idea of how to do the second "The Network" story, and then I get to move on to "The Gambler"... the third multi-part section, Sam Gerard's POV.

    So: How are you all doing?

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