Sep. 16th, 2011


I had a pretty deep storyline for this game but it seems I couldn't get any of you interested in it for some reason, I'm not truly sure why. I feel bad having invited my friends to a game where the people perhaps lost interest in it so suddenly.

If anyone would like to create a game with me, let me know, I'm always ready.

I guess it's closed, I feel awful for those I invited. :(

Sep. 13th, 2011



I'm Mike, new here. This is my first character here but bringing others too. This one is Catherine Weaver from the Terminator (Sarah Connor Chronicles) series. She's basically a T-1001 model. Sort of like the cop in T2 but a little more advanced, plus smarter and able to imitate humans better. Liquid metal, shapeshifting, voice mimicry, making knife or sword weapons from her arms, etc. More detailed info is in her application (most recent journal entry). There's also a video here.

Her job is Red 52, #4, in the Heart's Castle. She's open to interaction with anyone there, or with anyone who'd like to run into her. Saw the cast list too.. looks like a lot of cool characters around. My AIM is also shoot the wings, feel free to ping me anytime for plot or anything. :)

- Mike

Aug. 30th, 2011


Ginny4harry here. Heads up for everyone that I'm heading to Atlanta for Dragoncon tomorrow. I should have wifi on my phone so I may get to tag a little bit, depending on time and how much fun I'm having :D

I'll be back some time on Sept 7th which is tomorrow week.

Aug. 28th, 2011


This is Val's introduction v 2.0 ;)

This is the new girls I brought in:

Nancy Thompson )

Sally Jupiter )

Aug. 27th, 2011


Even more charies! Meet Eddie Blake, AKA the comedian! He's from the movie Watchmen.NOT the comics, just the movie, considering it would take me ages to track down and read that big ass comic. Anyhooo...he's from sometime during the middle of the film? When Laurie was youngish and just barley part of the small hero group Adrian made.

Eddie is...well a bit abusive, cigar smoking, hero who has no problem with using violence to get what he wants. Just beware!

Secondly is everyones favorite time lord, the 11th Doctor! He's from the latest 6x08 "Lets kill Hitler". I, however, don't play 11 regular. He's been half in love with Amy since their kiss way back in season 5, though he hides it well. (Also, if anyone wants to play an Amy for me..or know someone who does? PLEASE bring them in for me. I will LOVE you forever and ever)

Aug. 21st, 2011


Everyone isn't required to post again at the opening threads anymore, just read the post so your characters know what is going on. Feel free to post. If you guys need to know what the 'net comm' is used, it's in the form of a small book in the coloured of your territory.

Kinda like HP they just appear!

Have fun!

Aug. 20th, 2011


Hi everyone, Matt here. I'm new here, but some of you I've played with before. Either way, I look forward to getting to know all of you and hopefully some great things will come along in the plot. Now onto my muse. This is Ankh.

tl;dr )

Aug. 19th, 2011


Hi everyone, Mister here. I've played with all of you before, but I'm here now. :D

[info]rockstarvampire Lestat is the main character of Anne Rice's "The Vampire Chronicles," and is a legend among vampires. He was the one who brought vampires into the public sphere with his books and musical lyrics, but is far more powerful than most give him credit for. He's worked alongside everyone from Akasha (the original vampire in his series), Memnoch (the devil), and the Body Thief, someone who let him have a human body for a while to feel what it was like. He also has psychic powers, something that is typically not attributed to vampires, due to the fact that he has such a wide variety of ancient vampire blood in his body, courtesy of Akasha, Marius, and Magnus.

[info]sixthhour Damien Thorn is my newest muse. He's kind of the antichrist; the Beast written about in the Book of Revelations, and is destined to take over the world and bring about the apocalypse. He's well-liked by everyone who doesn't know what he is, and those who find out he's the antichrist and try to stop him typically die in very gruesome Final Destination-esque freak accidents. He was born of a Jackal that was impregnated by the devil himself, and thus has a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing. He also is under the protection of the devil, who lets absolutely no harm come to him, so that his plans won't be foiled. Even viruses and bacteria die around him. It takes a holy ritual, or consecrated ground (such as a church) to negate the unholy protection.

[info]willbegod Albert Wesker is a brilliant scientist with extremist ideas. He wants to unleash a virus into the air that will cause humans to evolve, but will end up killing almost 90% of the human population while sparing those with compatible genes. He himself has injected himself with a similar virus, and has superhuman powers that allow him to move faster than the eye can see, and is way stronger and more durable than any human. He has also survived gunshots, rockets, and being stabbed.


Hey everyone :D

My name is Lauren and I look forward to playing with you all.

My girls here are:

Elena Gilbert: [info]im_not_her

Ruby: [info]noprettyface

Buffy Summers: [info]slayer_savior

Katherine Pierce: [info]tomycoymistress


Ginny4harry here with two

Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries [info]crazy_impulsive

Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter [info]the_dark_lord_



Please remember in group threads that you much just reply to the posts already there! Don't make new posts, I want everyone to be up to speed on what happens in the group when they post, if you need to receive replies.

Also, I will tag the threads once every character has dropped in since it's suppose to be basically at the same time. It's suppose to be a very short thread, you guys make sure to pay attention when the Wonderland characters get into it lol.

Aug. 18th, 2011


Michelle here with not quite huge list of pups!

for the tl;dr crowd )


Hey this is val, and here's the charries I play.

Bellatrix Lestrange )

Selene )

Faith Lehane )

Talia al Ghul )


Wonderland Residences

Everyone, introduce your characters on the OOC. Talk about your characters a bit and how they are and the job they have. If you don't know the jobs definition, there is a page in the mod journal. I have to put up the contact page, but for now, having you all added to the AIM list.

I'm going to advertise after I make the threads in the communities.

Basically, your characters will fall through the rabbit hole on their own, even randomly. They will see no one else until they fall into their group's main yard/area. You'll be approached by the person of said group and speak to them with the others.

Aug. 13th, 2011


