Mar. 4th, 2008


Who: Daphne Greengrass [Open to Blaise, Pansy, Tracey, Asteria, Draco, Narcissa, or Antoini]
When: March 4th, 2008 - Evening
Where: The Athenaeum
What: Escaping the Confines of her Apartment
Rating: TBA
Status: In Complete

Escaping the Confines of Ones Apartment )

Feb. 16th, 2008


Who: Daphne [Open to Close Friends/Family]
Where: Daphne's Home
When: Feb. 16th, 2003
What: Contemplation and a Guest
Rating: TBA
Status: Incomplete

how would one go about making a deal with a werewolf? )

Feb. 10th, 2008


Who: Daphne [Open]
When: Sunday Afternoon [02-10-2003]
Where: Diagon Alley
What: Taking a Moment to relax
Rating: TBA
Status: In Progress

you would be surprised what shopping can do )

Feb. 5th, 2008


Who: Daphne and Blaise
When: February 4th, 2003
Where: Daphne's Flat.
What: Talking and hopefully making up
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

It's not fun knowing someone else has touched what is suppose to be yours. )