all aboard the crazy train!

February 2016


I'll tell you a riddle.

You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure. But it doesn't matter. How can it not matter to you where that train will take you?

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December 2nd, 2015




I went through and tagged everything. Please feel free to make a tag for your character if I happen to miss them.

Now who wants Baymax for a scene when I get off work tonight?




Samus is open!

Who wants to play? :D



A note on pacing.

So! Your characters are going to be traveling places and seeing things! In my head, I see myself posting a new scene or destination every 2 to 3 weeks. In game, the scenery lasts about a week while the destinations last 2-3 days.

The trick is some of you will eat up that pace and want to go onto the next thing. But some of you may want to take things more slowly, or there may be a place that's super cool that you want to write a bunch of scenes for.

Well no worries! With the handy dandy tagging system, you can write for a particular scene whenever you want! Take the time you need, don't feel rushed, and if I need to adjust how quickly I post new places, please let me know.

Thanks guys!



A Note on Clint's Communication

Hi there! Nori here with a PSA!

My AU Clint is Deaf, and his first language is ASL. He can and will voice, but for him to understand his conversation partner, they need to be facing him and enunciating clearly, and even then he'll occasionally misinterpret something. This is more common with people he's meeting for the first time, or folks with non-American accents, or if he's tired or not focusing. Lip-reading is exhausting! If you absolutely need something communicated, writing always works! Or you can find Baymax, who has a closed-captioning subroutine built in.

Clint does have the deaf "accent," but other characters might not pick up on it or class it as a speech impediment. It doesn't usually interfere with his intelligibility, but it might if he's interacting with a non-native English speaker. Or if he's being lazy, which is entirely possible.

Clint is profoundly deaf, which means he has very little to no residual hearing. You are absolutely allowed to use this in-game to startle or confuse him, but fair warning- he does have VERY good eyesight and killer combat reflexes. Startle the Deaf guy at your own peril.

All that said, who wants to plot? :D