all aboard the crazy train!

February 2016


I'll tell you a riddle.

You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure. But it doesn't matter. How can it not matter to you where that train will take you?

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Feb. 13th, 2016



Destination Ahead!!

Hey all,

I'm putting up the first destination post here in a few moments. So please be aware that from today, onward, we will be allotting at least two weeks to get posting in and to offer everyone the chance to have their characters milling around and taking full advantage of the scenery change.

With the destination, however, there is a twist coming up that will challenge everyone aboard the train. So I hope y'all are excited for a chance to stretch your characters legs and abilities!!

If anyone requires additional information, details, or is curious about the plot twist please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

<3 Raeness

Feb. 10th, 2016



Updates and such

Herro all,

It is I, your friendly, neighborhood Raeness.

Our lovely modlyness Becky has asked me to make a post on her behalf. She's not feeling well enough at the moment to give the community the attention that it needs. So, I volunteered to step up to the helm and steer the ship (she has a lot of faith in me, apparently).

I would like to continue taking this place in the direction Becky wants it, and still keep it fun and exciting.

I have a Drop Box located here if there are any suggestions, comments or plot details that you'd like to discuss or see. Also, any adds or removals or any updating can be posted there, too.

Since I am taking this temporary role, I am also voluntarily forfeiting my portion of the secret plot prize to anyone that didn't get one and would like it. You can drop a note to me in the Drop Box, or email at if that's easier for you.

I'm going to allot at least 2 weeks for each destination we select. I think that will give ample time for everyone to be able to at least start a post, and that timeline is flexible depending on what the characters will encounter. If you think we need more time in one place, just let me know and we can extend the deadline. With that said, anyone that had previously suggested destinations, please just forward me a brief summary and I'll get something posted. There isn't a mandatory posting for anyone, no one is obligated to comment or post to a place if they don't want to. I do want to maintain the idea that the train is the main source of threads. But who wants to go stir crazy on a runaway train?


I hope everyone will come help me make this place everything Becky dreams it can be!!

I can't wait to hear your ideas and questions!

Your temporary modlyness,

<3 Raeness

Jan. 5th, 2016




I'm really sorry guys.

I've said multiple times that there's no activity requirements and the game should never feel like homework. At the same time, I as the creator/mod of this game need to be more on the ball so we can see new places and get plot going. My brain has been elsewhere, so I'm so sorry I've dropped off.

I'm not going to post the destination tonight, but it will probably be tomorrow. (It's written, it just needs to be formatted in the pretty code basically.)

Is it okay if we consider the Avengers/Defenders log done/for reference? I'm sorry I didn't get replies to that.

Tek, huge apologies to you for not responding to Harkonnen yet. I do plan to finish that scene.

In related news, I don't want this game to suffer if I'm being a doofus. Is anyone interested in co-moding with me? I would love a second opinion/brain to help me decide when to post new destinations and make sure things don't drag too much.

Thank you guys. ♥

Dec. 30th, 2015




Sorry I haven't been around lately! So instead of a new year's party, my husband and I have spent the past month planning a Third Impact party, which is kind of the same thing? I guess? Except more about the end of the world and forced human evolution than the rolling over of the new year.

I'll be around more after the first, when I'm done sleeping off all the drinks and cake. Promise.

Let me know if you want Cosima or Sera for anything after that!


Dec. 21st, 2015



Stupid brains.

Hey guys, sorry I've been quiet the last few days. I may need another day or two before I get to replies and plot to let my brains recover.

The destination will be coming up but please feel free to have your character arrive at the destination instead of the train, to be picked up there or backdate till your heart's desire.


Dec. 17th, 2015



New character ahoy!

This is Kelly again, bringing you Laurel Lance aka Black Canary from Arrow. She's a lawyer by day, vigilante by night. She's also a lot more personable than Jessica.

Who wants plot?

Dec. 13th, 2015



One more week of ocean views!

I'm going to give you guys this week* to get in the game and make sure you write everyone you wanna throw in. Next week we'll start our first destination. Depending on how that goes, we'll spend two to three weeks there*.

Thanks guys!

*By weeks I mean OOC time. IC time, it's been about a day for every OOC week. The train will try not to make your character spend three weeks without an opportunity for a shower. It's a nice kidnapping train like that.

Dec. 12th, 2015



Basically I suck

So I just got over being sick for the last two weeks. And unfortunately, I was not keeping up with my regular life stuff, let alone keeping up with online stuff. So basically, I sucked at replies and keeping up with the community.

So I apologize and I am finally feeling human again and will be catching up on stuff asap. Sorry for the delay, guys!

Dec. 9th, 2015




Yooo who wants a science nerd

Dec. 7th, 2015




I either have a stomach flu or mild food poisoning. So. Tags soon? Sorry if I'm slow.

Dec. 6th, 2015



The things I think at night when I'm by myself.

May not be safe for work discussion... )



Oops. I did it again.

I made another character.

This is Bucky Barnes, taken from the same AU as Steve. Say hi to Captain America, everyone.

Dec. 2nd, 2015



A Note on Clint's Communication

Hi there! Nori here with a PSA!

My AU Clint is Deaf, and his first language is ASL. He can and will voice, but for him to understand his conversation partner, they need to be facing him and enunciating clearly, and even then he'll occasionally misinterpret something. This is more common with people he's meeting for the first time, or folks with non-American accents, or if he's tired or not focusing. Lip-reading is exhausting! If you absolutely need something communicated, writing always works! Or you can find Baymax, who has a closed-captioning subroutine built in.

Clint does have the deaf "accent," but other characters might not pick up on it or class it as a speech impediment. It doesn't usually interfere with his intelligibility, but it might if he's interacting with a non-native English speaker. Or if he's being lazy, which is entirely possible.

Clint is profoundly deaf, which means he has very little to no residual hearing. You are absolutely allowed to use this in-game to startle or confuse him, but fair warning- he does have VERY good eyesight and killer combat reflexes. Startle the Deaf guy at your own peril.

All that said, who wants to plot? :D



A note on pacing.

So! Your characters are going to be traveling places and seeing things! In my head, I see myself posting a new scene or destination every 2 to 3 weeks. In game, the scenery lasts about a week while the destinations last 2-3 days.

The trick is some of you will eat up that pace and want to go onto the next thing. But some of you may want to take things more slowly, or there may be a place that's super cool that you want to write a bunch of scenes for.

Well no worries! With the handy dandy tagging system, you can write for a particular scene whenever you want! Take the time you need, don't feel rushed, and if I need to adjust how quickly I post new places, please let me know.

Thanks guys!




Samus is open!

Who wants to play? :D




I went through and tagged everything. Please feel free to make a tag for your character if I happen to miss them.

Now who wants Baymax for a scene when I get off work tonight?

Dec. 1st, 2015




Feel free to have characters appear after the Conductor's intro, if you'd prefer. I just wanted to give as many characters as possible an easy jumping off point.

Nov. 30th, 2015



Plot Party Prizes!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the plot parties!

For those who responded to The Secret, you will get the equivalent of $1,000 USD in local currency to spend at the first destination. Those characters who did not provide a secret will have just enough to pay for basic lodging, meals and a shower/bath if running water is not otherwise present.

The characters who receive the extra money are: Matt Murdock, Samus Aran, Steve Rogers, Sera, Cosima Niehaus, Thorin Oakenshield, John Watson, Bones, Eggsy Unwin, Baymax, Baron Harkonnen and Jessica Jones.

Characters who receive just enough for the basics are: Kate Bishop, Denethor Hurinion, Natalia Romanova, Clint Barton, Billi Baggins, Donna Noble, Emma Pole, Molly Carpenter and Spock.

Did I miss someone? Make a mistake? Let me know.

For those that wrote me scenery and destinations, check your email. Your prizes will be communicated to you secretly.

Have fun, guys!

Nov. 29th, 2015



What does Baymax see?

Baymax automatically does medical scans of people he encounters. Usually he won't comment unless there is a sound of distress or someone seems emotionally frazzled.

That being said. What would Baymax "see" if he scans you? Anything interesting? Blood-type? Medical conditions? Something he doesn't recognize at all?

I've screened the comments in case there's anything you want to be secret.

Any other plot with Baymax you guys want?

Nov. 28th, 2015



For those of you writing logs...

While the game is not officially open, I know a bunch of you are writing logs in google docs. Some of you may want to reference the scenery at the start of the game, so I'm going to post it in the IC com.

The game is not officially open yet. This is just for those of you who are getting started a little early.

I repeat: the game is not officially open yet. What I'm about to post is for your reference only. I will let you know when that changes.

Thanks, all!