Wizkids: A Next Generation Harry Potter RPG // The's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Wizkids: A Next Generation Harry Potter RPG // The

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[16 Sep 2008|01:15am]

Brooke and I are looking for someone to make it their project to set up Neville and Katie Bell.

[16 Sep 2008|12:23am]

Rose needs some friends. Desperately. Any takers? She needs to talk to someone about the whole Scorpius debacle.
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[12 Sep 2008|09:37am]

Hiya! I'm Rachel, and I've brought Raven O'Toole here with me.

Raven's a Ravenclaw prefect and also a chaser on their quidditch team. She's pretty clever, a little snarky, and takes her studies very seriously. Though Raven's usually a happy person, it doesn't take much to lose her temper, especially when someone picks on her friends. She's also horribly insecure about her appearance, is a slave to fashion, and is a touch anorexic.

If anyone wants to hit me up, you can find me on AIM at qweendomcome or email me at zestina@gmail.com. I'm always happy to plot! :)
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[11 Sep 2008|08:17pm]

Hi, I'm Janet and I'm bringing you Margo Toots, also known as the painfully shy younger sister of Harper Toots.

Margo is a Ravenclaw sixth year with a rather socially debilitating stutter. She's a very sweet girl, and will probably be pretty outgoing on the journals, but when approached, she often has very little to say. She, like most of her family, is very good at Herbology (in fact, it's her favourite subject), and potions. You can usually find her reading, drawing, or doing schoolwork, and she'd be happy to listen to anything anyone has to say, but don't expect her to say much.

Anyway, I would love to make some backstory for her, so my AIM is omipapas and son, or you can e-mail me at maplelicorice@gmail.com.
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[11 Sep 2008|06:48pm]

Hey guys. I hate to be just one more person leaving this week, but things in RL have gotten really messy and I've been finding it a struggle to stay active. As such, Mary Jane bids adieu. I'm sorry. I wish you all the best of luck with your RP-ing and with the game.


[08 Sep 2008|12:05pm]

Alpha dropped due to time constraints, making the total loss of characters this week 8 out of 28. Eep!


Run that friend button^^

I see a lot of open threads so jump all over them and be active. We're down to 20 characters which makes me feel real bad because I have 1/4 of them (I didn't when we had 28!)

[06 Sep 2008|04:04am]

We lost 2 chars to the Marines, 5 characters to sweeps, and we're about to lose MJ and Sophia if they don't post today or Sunday.

Run the friend button to remove

Carol Fitch
Dexter Flume
Penelope Clearwater
Lia Chambers
Albus Potter
Alexandra Kirke
Anna Adler

This means we're in a rough spot guys. We now have 21 chars. We lost 25% of our character list. If you want wizkids to survive, advertise to a friend or a comm, post a personal looking for a character. I'll try and post ads when I'm back from what promises to be an exhaustively long shoot in Boston, but I need your help. Harry Potter games don't do so well post DH, but I do run another that is thriving so I know it can be done. Help out!
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A good time cut short [05 Sep 2008|11:01pm]

I have very recently been told that my time in inactive duty before bootcamp has been cut extremely short. By short meaning my whole life is uprooted and put on fast forward since I am leaving Monday. Originally I had plenty of time to get settled into this role play and others. However the Marines need me. I apologize for leaving so soon and I was really hoping I could stay on longer but, like my other RPs, I need to leave. Keep the board running and when I am allowed my computer for schooling, I will reapply to any open character.

Fair thee well,
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Out like a trout! O_o (x-posted to all my games) [04 Sep 2008|01:12pm]

I know it's really short notice, and I'm sorry for that. I'm going to Florida for the weekend. (It's a church retreat thing that's totally awesome, and I'm on the committee for it, yadda yadda yadda.) I'll be gone until Sunday night, but then I think we're going to my folks' place for dinner. So, long story short (too late) I'll be gone until Monday. But when I'm back on Monday, I'm down for some MAJOR PLAYAGE. Get your pups out. I wanna play.

(Also, I'm sorry I've been such a space cadet lately. I've got a really good reason for it, and I'll share as soon as I can. <3)

Kherrie: She's probably finding every excuse in the book to talk to Noah. I'd imagine anyone else in classes with them (Healer Training Track) who's perceptive of these kinds of things (or nosey) would notice. She's got a bit of a thing for him, and she's not keeping it secret, really.

Felicia: She's probably spending as much time as humanly possible with her boyfriend, though she's got Quidditch and a load of other responsibilities, too. I'd imagine she spends a vast majority of her time outside while the weather's still goodish.

Mason: He's been staring across the room at Fionn whenever he thinks no one's looking. He's also writing a lot more now than he ever has before. He even scribbles in one journal or notebook or another while he's walking between classes. He's trying his best not to obsess, but that's what he does best.

Harper: He's been spending his time outside, too, but mostly in the greenhouses and wandering around the lake. He's amazing with plants (blame his dad for that) so he's offered up Herbology help (tutoring) to anyone who needs it.

Ummm... I think that's all. Leave a comment or e-mail me if you've got questions/comments/etc. ^_^


[04 Sep 2008|02:09pm]

Calling one and all!

Reed needs a fuck buddy. Friend with benefits. Take your pick. He's happy to have one that's already been established, or if anybody feels their character would like to put themselves in a chance encounter for that outcome, give me a yell.

The poor boy has been surrounded by athletic male bodies the whole summer, and basketball ain't cutting it!

Either that, or he's considering putting a notice up in the common room... but he thinks he might get detention for that.

Ta muchly,  Leanne (and Reed!)
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[03 Sep 2008|11:54pm]

The following people have not posted in the last 14 days at all (Tagging someone else's journal or post doesn't count, this is originating your own post by clicking "Post" in the top bar)

Alexandra Kirke
Annabelle Adler
Albus Potter
Penny Clearwater
Lia Chambers

They have until Friday morning noon to post a thread (in the IC comm) or be swept.

The following people have not posted an action thread but have journaled in the last 14 days. Once again, tagging another action thread doesn't count.

Harper Toots
Dexter Flume
Emerson Harper
Dexter Flume
Sophia Wood
Mary Jane Monroe

Because the game is young and we just started Hogwarts and some chars are new, I'm gonna be a bit more lenient with the time frame. These people need to originate an action post by Sunday, midnight (meaning as the new week turns over, not as Monday turns over). I'll be back from work (extra work, not shit Target work) and if I have any energy left I'll run the sweep then, otherwise I'll do it Sunday.

You have been warned. Make it work.
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Character #2 [31 Aug 2008|01:09pm]

As promised, here is Dexter Flume! Dex is not exactly your average Head Boy- he is no goodie two shoes with a brown nose. In fact he seems like he is a good kid because he simply does not get caught. The boy has a big heart for his friends and is loyal beyond all belief. He has a short temper and is unpleasant when annoyed, brutal with the truth and merciless when it comes to doing his job. Oh, and he is a skirt chaser. Dexter loves women so come one, come all! He needs friends, exes, snog pals, enemies and other fun plots to fool around with.

Enjoy him ;]
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[31 Aug 2008|12:26pm]

Run the friend button

PLOT STIRRER [25 Aug 2008|11:54pm]

Who does your character have a crush on. All must answer 1-3 characters they have a crush on. (No more because then you're just being vague for the sake of it).

Ready for mine?

JAMES: Katie, Sarah, Sophia (B/c any girl who doesn't seem to like him is a challenge)
SARAH: Harper Toots (which she knows is a terrible idea, but he's cute damnit!)
FIONN: Mason
SCORPIUS: That's a secret, but the player knows!
KATIE B: Neville

There's my list. Y'all post!
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Character #2 [26 Aug 2008|12:28pm]

Hey guys, it's Leanne bringing you my second puppy.

This is Reed Orbison, 7th year Gryffindor, Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

He's muggleborn, currently living with his Aunt and Uncle. He's sport-mad, and currently plays Quidditch and basketball, though basketball tends to be by himself against a wall of the castle. He's a quiet down to earth guy, good natured, tries to do right by people, etc etc. He's also bi.

So! Looking for friends, enemies, past dates, future dates, plot, etc!!

Who's first?  :)
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[25 Aug 2008|10:11pm]

Hey everyone,

I wanted to apologise for being a bit absent. IJ has been having major angry-ness with me.. but I'm back now! It has finally decided to play nice after almost a day of me threatening to eat it.

Anyhow, I'm back now.  


Amy Again [24 Aug 2008|05:27pm]

Here's Sarah Edgecombe. She's a Slytherin Seventh Year. Sarah doesn't know who her father is, but the guess is a brunette. Her mother is a borderline (like Mrs. Lincoln and Marilyn Monroe) which means she has no sense of identity, clings far too much to her daughter and places the burden of being her best friend on Sarah's shoulders, dates sketchy guys and changes to fit their interest and styles, is an alcoholic... it's a fun mental condition.

Sarah, despite being Megan FOX and having a crazy mother, tries to stay out of trouble. She comes off as a bit severe because she tries to control her emotions but it quite outspoken about her thoughts. She's really a good person, so plot? Friends? Enemies? Frenemies?

Oh, also I'm sure a few guys have claimed to have slept with her, so she has an ironic reputation a a bit of a whore, especially b/c some of those guys have had girlfriends.
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*sigh* [24 Aug 2008|01:16am]

[ mood | annoyed ]

So this week I happen to be going to be a counselor at a summer camp. I'll be back Friday night. I also discovered that I'm not going to have internet whilst I'm there. So I'm kinda stuck away for a week.

Which saddens me a lot.

But after that I'll be on pretty much 24/7 to make up for it, haha. I'll miss everyone, please don't kill me, Amy. *convincing smile*

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[23 Aug 2008|08:07pm]

Add Harper. :) Go read his application, it's in his journal. XD

He needs friends and stuff. Lots of girls, too, that he's flirted with and dated.

it's Missy, jeanxskirt to plot. ^^

Trying to Inspire Some Fellows! [23 Aug 2008|09:38pm]

This is a list of icons I have available for male PBs and who would work for the age range. Feel free to ping me for icons. I do have a lot nicer ones than some of the ones here, so don't think b/c the icon is weird that the set might be like that too

7th Years Only:

6th or 7th Years:

5th or 6th Years:

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