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Wizkids: A Next Generation Harry Potter RPG // The

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Incase anyone still comes to this game... [07 Mar 2009|11:47am]


Beneath the Red Booth is a post Hogwarts game set in 2003. It centers around the Ministry of Magic and those employed there. Playable characters have been assigned jobs or are spouses of those who work at the ministry.

Shacklebolt works to rebuilt the Ministry, reforming wizard law, rounding up straggling Dark Wizards five years after the war. The teens of Harry's time are adults now, with adult lives and adult problems.

Dial 62442 to find out what's Beneath the Red Booth


[01 Mar 2009|02:00am]

My F-Page has one post on it. Does that mean we feel we've played out our story lines?
12 Tags+Comment

[21 Dec 2008|10:44pm]

Hey guys,

I'm pretty sure I'm going to be incommunicado for the next week. I'm going down to Melbourne for Christmas with my lovely adoring family....  for those of you with especially good hearing, yes, that was my mother slamming the door so loud the room shook.

I should be back on Sundayish. It's possible I'll have net, otherwise.. well I'll see you then.

Cory - Feel free to start any threads on future plots we talked about. I'll tag when I can.

kisses to all,  Leanne
1 Tag+Comment

[16 Dec 2008|08:59pm]

Sorry, I lost the whole weekend and then some. 111 hours without power. Read the epic saga here
1 Tag+Comment

Completely OOC (Public Service Announcement) [25 Nov 2008|12:53pm]

This has nothing to do with the game or Harry Potter or RPGs in general, but I wanted to spread this link around.


I'm not sure what the religions or spirituality of this group of people might be, but everyone loves a good "wintertime" card to show that people are thinking and care about you.

I highly encourage everyone to check out the link, and do what you can to support our troops--even if you don't agree with the reasons they're overseas.

I'm planning on taking a box of Christmas (I'm a Christian) Cards home for Thanksgiving, and having the whole family sign them before sending them to the "Holiday Mail for Heroes" program.

Thanks for listening!

[07 Nov 2008|03:20am]

Going to AL. See y'all Monday!

[02 Nov 2008|12:23am]

I don't mind people using my icons when properly cited, but I'd prefer the non face icons not be taken and used in the same game while I'm also using them. I'm selective about smoking, sex, instruments and making sure that the skin tones, body structures, hair, etc matches my PB, so seeing them for a different PB in the same game is an OCD pet peeve.

1 Tag+Comment

[30 Oct 2008|08:03pm]

Just a note that I'm going to be gone from Friday-Sunday because I'm going to Philly for homecoming! If you need to get in touch with me urgently, shoot me an email (I should check it at least once a day) or ask Amy to call me or something :)

[29 Oct 2008|05:01pm]

I need something for Harper to do. Check out his userinfo and see if he'd fit into any of your plots? http://thejackpot.insanejournal.com/368.html#cutid1

I haven't had anything for him to do, so he's a clean slate. Any takers? I'll take anything. Friends, Enemies, Love interests, study partners... anything.
4 Tags+Comment

[19 Oct 2008|12:31am]

I'm really sorry to do this, but I'm going to have to take Margo out of the game. It seems like she's not really right for this game, and with school and such I just don't have time anymore. Again, I'm really sorry.


[08 Oct 2008|10:30am]

Harper needs plot. Takers?

[06 Oct 2008|10:41pm]

I swept the characters previously mentioned. We're not sans Raven, June, and Sophia. Play on!

Sorry I've been away... (x-posted [06 Oct 2008|11:40am]

So, a couple things going on with me... for those of you who don't know, I'm pregnant. (10 weeks 6 days today.)

That was taken a couple weeks ago. Yay little Casper! So, that's one of the reasons I've been away/absent-minded/tired/nauseous/etc. I'm sorry that I've been a slacker as of late, but I've been busy creating another little being. ^^

And I've got a terrible head cold. Apparently, my immune system is lower than normal, and I've got a head cold that's KILLING me. I'm doing my best to sleep all day, drink lots of fluids, and take it easy. (Yeah, like THAT'S hard to do.)

Anyway, so I should be back to normal soon. I'll be around to make posts tomorrow, since I'm planning on staying home again tomorrow to try and kick this head cold. But today I'm still stuffed in my nose and face, and I want to go lounge on the sofa again for the rest of the day.

I've left my AIM on if you want to contact me, and there's a good chance that I'll see it blink if you im me. <3

Missy (Felicia, Mason, Harper and Kherrie)

[04 Oct 2008|01:05am]

Raven O'Toole
Sophia Wood

^^^ Need to become an active presence by Sunday afternoon or they will be removed. June will be removed at this time.

Link your friends and get active!

[01 Oct 2008|06:23pm]

Noah needs friends that aren't Kherrie, preferably of the male persuasion. Any takers? He needs someone to talk to about the whole Kherrington thing.
3 Tags+Comment

New Boy! [22 Sep 2008|02:58am]

Howdy all! Brooke here, with a new character! I was going to pick up another girl since I already play 2 boys, but let's face it, we need more straight boys! To compensate for the lack of straight boys, I give you Rexford Heathcote, very playboy extraordinaire.

His father was in the weird sisters, and his mother was a wizarding model, so he inherited his mother's good looks and his father's musical ability and charm. Rex is a slytherin 7th year - he's a womanizer, he's easy going, and he's a future musician. One thing he'll never actually admit outloud, though, is that he was a child model when he was little - his naked backside as a toddler appears on a famous brand of wizarding sunblock potion.

The important thing to know about Rex is that he's set himself a goal for his seventh year - he wants to hook up with as many girls as possible as many times as possible. Yes, he is a true scumbag. He's created a scorecard (see his journal for a preliminary draft - we're working on the point values right now), and every time he hooks up with someone, he's going to add it to his score card. True sleazeball. No girl is to find out about this scorecard business (he'll probably tell a few guys, but obviously the girls can't know about it). Rex is also very charming, and your girls will probably fall for his lines and his slick moves.

Rex is also going to join the band with Aurelia and Katie - he's a drummer (and he wants groupies. He's very into the whole "save a drumset, bang a drummer!" motto).

So, say no more, mon amour! Who wants to plot with Sexy Rexy (please tell me you've all seen Empire Records). He needs lots of future hook ups, past hook ups, friends, enemies, and more!
6 Tags+Comment

[18 Sep 2008|12:24am]

Hello, hello! Fresh meat, but you can all call me Chandra. I'm bringing you June Valentine, whom can be read about in-depth right here. As for the simple rundown, she's basically a Gryffindor goof ball with a good set of lungs and the inability to keep quiet for more than five minutes. Friends, enemies, whatever! June is in need of them all.

If you want to poke me, my AIM is pastel lace and my e-mail is houseofraccoons@gmail.com.
8 Tags+Comment

[16 Sep 2008|08:15pm]

I'm sorry I vanished! Sometimes RL gets in the way. First I was the chair for a project in my church where we collected donations to ship to soldiers overseas. The collecting/sorting/packing event was this weekend.

Then I went to a wedding Saturday. It was my first gay wedding. (Yay! ^_^) So much fun. It was a beautiful service. And my grandmother passed out during the reception. We took her to the emergency room around 4, and they decided at 9 to keep her overnight. She's fine, but it gave us all a terrible scare.

Then I had to deal with all the boxes to ship overseas. I had to collect addresses (anysoldier.com only gives you more than two if you make a donation) and re-package all the boxes. I sent 26 Large Flat Rate Boxes today, and that's only a third of the donations.

I'll probably be gone most of next weekend, too, to finish up with the donations and church group stuff. >_< But I'm gonna try to be around as much as I can until then.

What'd I miss while I was gone?

(x-posted to all my games)

P.S. For anyone who's new, it's Missy. I'm Kherrie, Felicia, Mason and Harper. :)
2 Tags+Comment

[16 Sep 2008|04:48pm]


[16 Sep 2008|05:19am]

I'm looking for someone who could be set up with Sophia for a relationship...

Any ideas/takers?

(male or female, she's bi)
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