Wizard World OOC - September 17th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Wizard World OOC

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September 17th, 2015

[Sep. 17th, 2015|01:03 pm]



Hey everyone.

Yearly pilgrimage to Mecca the Reno Air Races starts today. I'll be back on Sunday :)

To those I owe tags - I'm only journaling from my phone this weekend. Will tag proper upon my return.
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[Sep. 17th, 2015|04:52 pm]




I'll be leaving for a Store Manager Conference/Disneyland trip on Monday, but I may be gone in terms of tags starting tomorrow! Gotta get everything set for when I'm gone which may be a bit hectic 'cause the fiscal year is ending in two weeks. >.<

I'll be back from Disneyland on Monday 09/28 and I'm off on Tuesday so I will be around! I'll have my phone for some tags if something comes up, but no laptop.

<3 you guys!
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