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Wizard World OOC

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[Oct. 18th, 2015|04:16 pm]

Unfortunately, I'm going to be leaving the game. I find myself completely incapable of juggling more than one game. ><

I had fun!! I'm sure I'll see you all around!

<3 Lauren
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[Oct. 15th, 2015|08:10 pm]

Just to let you all know I will be slow/absent from tomorrow until Monday as I am off to London for a Hannibal convention :D

I will try and tag if and when I can but I have no idea how much time I will have (if any) I will check my email at least a couple of times a day so dreximgirl@gmail.com is the best way to contact me if you need anything urgently.

Have a good weekend!
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[Sep. 29th, 2015|10:11 am]


Hi guys I'm back! A little on the worn out side, but good! ^_^ I'll be around a bit today to catch up and tag some new entries, so hopefully I'll see some of you around! =D

Hope everyone was well and had a great last week!!
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[Sep. 24th, 2015|05:00 pm]


I return!

I know it was a little longer than anticipated but I've also just started back at school. Things be crazy and because of that, I've also been a bit melt-down-y too.

Please come and plot with me and my bbs!

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[Sep. 24th, 2015|07:37 pm]

Hi Guys!

So tomorrow I am heading to Belfast, Ireland for my annual Game of Thrones convention/coach tour so I will be slow if not completely absent until Monday.

If you desperately need me for anything drop an email/message to my gmail account as I will check that one the most :)
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Hiatus [Sep. 24th, 2015|10:26 am]


Hello everyone!

I wanted to let you all that my laptop has breathed it's last breath. I am limping along on my ipad but it does not like IJ at all. Until I get my computer issues fixed (a new baby) I will have to place myself on a hold.

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[Sep. 17th, 2015|04:52 pm]



I'll be leaving for a Store Manager Conference/Disneyland trip on Monday, but I may be gone in terms of tags starting tomorrow! Gotta get everything set for when I'm gone which may be a bit hectic 'cause the fiscal year is ending in two weeks. >.<

I'll be back from Disneyland on Monday 09/28 and I'm off on Tuesday so I will be around! I'll have my phone for some tags if something comes up, but no laptop.

<3 you guys!
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[Sep. 17th, 2015|01:03 pm]


Hey everyone.

Yearly pilgrimage to Mecca the Reno Air Races starts today. I'll be back on Sunday :)

To those I owe tags - I'm only journaling from my phone this weekend. Will tag proper upon my return.
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[Sep. 6th, 2015|01:36 am]

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Well now that I have your attention!

This is KT, bringing the game a new character. Hopefully some of your recognize this handsome face and hopefully ALL of you recognize his name. This, my dears, is a young Gellert Grindelwald coming to Hogwarts fresh off his expulsion from Durmstrang many many years ago.

He's actually been around the school for a while, settling into this new era and all thing modern. It was quite an adjustment at first but he's actually found he quite enjoys a lot of it.

For anyone who doesn't know who this lovely boy is, Gellert Grindelwald was a friend of young Albus Dumbledore. He was a Durmstrang student originally but when he got himself expelled he ended up in the UK, where he met Dumbledore. He has an affinity for the dark arts to a bit of an unhealthy level which is probably why he was expelled. Highly intelligent, very charming and affable, you wouldn't expect him to have become what many called the first dark lord, before Voldemort. The biggest difference, however, is that Gellert is an idealist, wanting to make the world better but doing so in ways that might be considered bad. He isn't without a heart or remorse, however.

But that's all in the future and Gellert in game, while being interested in the dark arts is far from being the first dark lord. Think of him as being the bad boy but one still able to be saved.

You can read his application HERE.

I welcome any any all plots form you lovely people! Cheers!
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[Sep. 2nd, 2015|11:35 pm]


Ugh. So, it's pretty obvious I haven't been around much lately, and I'm really sorry for that, guys. My life kind of exploded on me and not in a great way. >.< My car kinda got totaled and so I've been spending gross extra amounts of time getting to and from work every day, and then when I'm not at work, I'm at home working on my art sales so that hopefully I can get a new car so that I can stop wasting like half my day on a bus (particularly before it starts getting super cold, because fuck, no.) Yay! On top of that, I start class this week and don't really know how much work / time it's gonna steal from me because I'm old and it's been a while since I've bothered with stuff like this. o_o;;;

Such a ramble.

Anyway. Long story short, I'm sorry I haven't been around. I probably won't exceptionally be around for a bit yet, and if I am I'm thinking it's only gonna be for modly and journal-type stuff because it's all I currently have time for.
Probably, also, I'm going to have to axe some characters on my roster which is stressful rough business because I love them all. T_T

Sorry I am the worst,
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[Sep. 1st, 2015|03:04 pm]

Anyone else have GChat that wants to join in on these shenanagins??

Handsome Face Beneath the Cut! )
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[Aug. 30th, 2015|11:24 am]

Hi guys! Just a quick note to say I changed Hannah's PB! You'll see this face instead now! ^_^

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[Aug. 24th, 2015|03:38 pm]

Anybody want any of mine for things?

Draco, Donna, Elsa, Capable and Neville all need things to do.
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Slowtimes [Aug. 18th, 2015|06:53 pm]
Hello everyone,

I've developed some health issues and so I'm going to be slow in tagging back for the next little while. My apologies during this hopefully minor inconvenience. If anyone needs my pups for anything, the email is in the contact list :)

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New Character! [Aug. 16th, 2015|07:30 pm]

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Now that I have your attention with the pretty!

I have a new character here in the game that I'd love for you all to meet. His name is Inigo Imago and most of you I doubt have heard of him even though he IS a HP canon character. He's an author, the man who penned the divination textbook favored by Professor Trelawney entitled The Dream Oracle.

He comes to us from just post the second wizarding war but he's been around for a bit of time, just keeping to himself. He's a free spirit, very bohemian and laid back. At current, he owns and runs a shop on Knockturn Alley in London called The Starry Prophesier. It's your go-to place for all your mystical needs. Divination supplies and texts, incense as well as tarot, palm & tea leaf readings. The shop is full of all sorts of interesting things and oddities.

You can read his application HERE.

I'm looking for any and all plots!
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Aging Plot! [Aug. 16th, 2015|07:36 am]

SO the AGING PLOT STARTS TODAY. (Can you tell I'm excited? I'm sure the Mods would have made this post, but I got there first because I'm an East-Coaster who gets up at ungodly hours on Sunday).

I have kids that need playing over here! I know YOU'VE got them too!

Anyone else made up their mind about ages? Want to figure out who's going to be running into who? Let's do this! *So excited*!

My pups )
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Weekend off [Aug. 13th, 2015|12:06 pm]

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Hello all.

A heads up: I will be on a little weekend vacation from Friday night to Mid Sunday.

I'll see you all late sunday.
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OOC Updates [Aug. 12th, 2015|01:41 pm]

Hey all - just a heads up - I'm hugely busy this week and don't have much access to a computer that isn't work related, so while I can manage journal tags on my phone (if I'm lucky - it keeps logging me out), threads and logs will have to wait for at least a few days if not longer. Some chronic health issues have also flared up so I apologise for the general uselessness.

I know when I am able, I owe largely backdated starts for:
*Remus and Harry Hart
*Seamus and Eggsy, post his chat with Terry
*Seamus and Terry

Seamus has been pretty damn depressed the past few months, so your character may have noticed.

In other Seamus news, he's going to start finding out what adult!Seamus is doing. For any adults or those in the know, here's the things you might be aware of:
*After the Battle of Hogwarts, he was a bit aimless. Worked in new Kingsley-fied Ministry for six months, felt change wasn't happening quick enough, quit.
*Ended up studying history, politics and sociology at Trinity College, Dublin, a Muggle university.
*Came back to the wizarding world in 2004 to work for the Ministry again in a policy/speechwriter capacity.
*Wrote two academic history books during this time: A Call To Arms which compares the rise to power of both Grindlewald and Voldemort and looks at what their differences in philosophy, approach, organisation and aims says about the wizarding society of their respective eras; and A View from the Bridge, which examines Muggle fairy tales, myth and religion over time and considers what traces of wizarding society lie in the stories Muggles tell about magic and power.
*Dropped out again in 2010 to go back to Muggle Dublin. He's recently published the second in a young adult fantasy based on Celtic myths (more Susan Cooper and less J.K. Rowling.) It's a very middling seller.
*He does pop over to see people from time to time, but he's largely content and comfortable living in the Muggle world. He is single.

More to the point, teen!Seamus is going to get access to adult!Seamus' Gringotts vault. For game-world-consistency, how have people been assuming that happens? Is there a legal thing through the Wizengamot? Do the teenage and adult selves come to some kind of agreement? I figured I should ask the good muns who've already worked out stuff to make sure I don't step on toes!

Any questions/concerns, here or IM. :)

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[Aug. 10th, 2015|04:33 pm]

Two more from Lauren, also!

I am adding this guy, Augustus Pye who is going to be the new Head Healer at Hogwarts. So he'll be the head honcho when it comes to fixing people up. He's really friendly, flirty, nice, playful-- just a nice guy all around. He looks like he's around 25, but he's actually 77 - the key to his wonderful youth is that he's a vampire.

Of course, we all know Harry Potter vampires are not Anne Rice vampires, so there are plenty of differences. ie: he can go in the sun and he burns like an Irishman (HAH, I can say that because I'm a red-headed Irish girl!), and his eyes are light sensitive. He isn't immortal, as HP vampires die of old age, oldest one being around 250 before he died. So, August has some good years left on him! Holy water, silver and crosses don't bother him. And while he drinks blood, he gets it from St. Mungo's, where he is the Chief Healer. He works there when he's not at Hogwarts. August has a busy life!

He's a closeted vampire, though, so people don't know he's one.. but if anyone wants to figure it out, we can definitely do that. :D!

Also adding this guy, Prince Edward, the Black Prince of Wales from A Knight's Tale. I made him a bit younger than the movie, though. He's from 1355 so he's a bit out of his time. He's super gentlemanly and extremely romantic. He also has this thing about doting on ladies. He's a little haughty, though-- he is a Prince, after all, and he's used to always getting his way.


But he is pretending NOT to be a Prince, he's calling himself either Josslyn (his middle name) or Thomas Colvill -- most likely Josslyn, since he likes to be treated like a normal person. You know, until it doesn't suit his needs anymore and he lays down the hammer about being royalty. He's fun!

Play with me!
<3 Lauren

PS: Pretty journals and icons coming soon.
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Introducing..... Eggsy and Dragon!! [Aug. 10th, 2015|12:03 am]

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I'm Dragon, 29 year old rp old timer in PST coming in with Eggsy from the movie Kingsman.

You can contact me on aim at vkdemon or by email at realiotruliodragon@gmail.com

Eggsy is a troublemaker. He's well known in detention for his impulsive antics and refusal to bow to authority. He's been held back a year for general misbehavior and lack of academic grades to pass. Eggsy is loyal as hell to his friends and loving and gentle to all kinds of animals. He gets away from the world by climbing up onto places he should not be without a broom. He was a gymnast as well as a quiddich whiz, but sadly his misbehavior took away those privileges.

Seeking friends, fellow trouble makers and disciplinarians to interact with my oh so intelligent, oh so impulsive, and oh so athletic bb.

He is bisexual and while not able to be out because of his homophobic and restrictive home life he does act on his desires toward men and women with the same impulsive streak that makes him steal and cause havoc.

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