Friday, July 16th, 2010


WHO: Albus Dumbledore, the Untouchables, the Retreivers
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: the home of Elphias Doge
WHAT: explanations
STATUS/RATING: moderate-high; just saying, people aren't going to be happy

forgiveness, he knew, was out of the question )
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WHO: The skeptical Untouchables and their Retrievers (see here)
WHEN: Friday night, before the actual meeting
WHERE: Various locations
WHAT: Retrieval
STATUS/RATING: Moderate-high for now

[ Okay. So, just to keep things simple, for those who are paired up Untouchable/Retriever, simply write your threads/logs below. This way everything can stay together :) ]
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Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

WHO. Hestia Jones & OPEN
WHEN. very late on 28th June (like... 2:30am)
WHERE. Muggle London
WHAT. It's illegal to murder people, so Hestia is trying to calm down by getting some fresh air.
STATUS/RATING: incomplete thread, Hestia's in a foul mood, so PG-13 for now

murder was more of an option than crying was, at this point )
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Monday, June 21st, 2010

RP: The Wall Without a Door

WHO: Lily, Dorcas
WHEN: later afternoon, June 21
WHERE: Charing Cross Road, London, 'round where the Leaky is - not that she knows that
WHAT: Contemplation while on a book mission

Come here, oh, closer to touch, never enough // Let me climb under your skin, oh let me in )
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