
June 9th, 2014



The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Who: Ginny Weasley and Millicent Bulstrode
Where: The Coffee Shop
When: Monday, June 9, late morning
What: Diametrically opposite schoolmates running into one another, insults are exchanged...some things never change!
Warning: Language, because they're both pottymouths. Will update more if they come about. There will no feels. None!
Status: Ongoing Complete!

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names... )



99 bottles of beer on the wall

Who: Prince Hans and Sawyer
Where: The Ratcatcher Inn
When: Early evening, Monday June 9
What: Two likeminded gentlemen getting to know each other
Warnings: Language
Status: Ongoing

take one down and pass it around. 98 bottles of beer on the wall! )



Bread and cookies for everyone

Who: Peeta Pie~ (Peeta Mellark and Pinkie Pie)
When: Early evening, Monday June 9
Where: The Sleepy Hollow Kitchens
What: Two bakers meet
Rating: Probably SFW because it's them
Status: Complete

sugar rush )



If I could turn the page in time

Who: Robin Scherbatsky and Barney Stinson
When: Evening of Monday June 9, after Ted's entry and Tracy's arrival
Where: Robin's hotel room
What: Robin has some questions for Barney
Warnings: Probably language
Status: Ongoing

I'd rearrange just a day or two )

The Lion's outside of your door...

Who: Sansa and Tyrion
What: Private discussions of horrible things.
Where: Sansa's room, the Sleepy Hollow
When: Sunday evening
Warnings: ASoIaF/GoT spoilers, other than that, none
Status: Ongoing

The Wolf's in your bed. )