
May 22nd, 2014


Now you know I am your pride

WHO: Booker & Elizabeth
WHERE: Nocturne Hall Hospital/Asylum
WHEN: May 20th, mid-day
WHAT: Elizabeth likes play aid to the needy and wants to bring everyone medicine. Booker comes to make sure she doesn't die.
WARNINGS: Cursing & Violence

Agent of wealth, bearer of needs. I am your war arming the strong, aiding the weak. Know me by name--Shepherd of Fire. )

There's a room where the light won't find you

WHO: Babydoll & Jefferson
WHERE: Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow Church
WHEN: May 22nd, Afternoon
WHAT: Making maps and bad decisions. Getting into the locked church and figuring out why it's locked.
WARNINGS: Violence, possible cursing.

Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down. When they do I'll be right behind you. )



Put on your jelly bracelets and your cool graffiti coat

Who: Robin Scherbatsky, Ted Mosby, Barney Stinson, Lily Aldrin
Where: Hocus Pocus Nightclub
When: Backdated to Wednesday evening, after Ted's arrival and her meeting with Ted
What: Drinking their cares away, maybe more
Warnings: None unless they get attacked by stuffz
Status: Ongoing

Let's go to the bar today )

"Pardon me, haven't we met?"

WHO: Robin and Ted
WHERE: the Sleepy Hollow, Robin's room
WHEN: Wednesday, after this exchange
WHAT: reconciling separate timelines :|
WARNINGS: Robin's injury might make an appearance, so -- medical stuff/stitches

What are you holding out for? What's always in the way? )