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Wished Away RPG

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Party on Day 18 [06 Aug 2013|08:42am]
WHO: Anyone who wants to be there
WHAT: Party before hitting the road again
WHERE: Tavern hall
WHEN: Day-18 5ish in the early evening
STATUS: open

OOC: This is for a gathering and one more day in the storyline which isn't directly concerned with the quest nor any major dangers/challenges which might be found in Enchantia (Dany, no incineration of the Lannisters is allowed! Guests as well as hosts should behave. this isn't being given by the Freys, you know?) Okay, enough Game of Thrones jokes, let's get to the hosts. Tonks and Bucky got the idea and they asked Silas to fix the food. Also helping is Sirius, who can cook too. (Charlie, get over it and no comments, Remus lol.)

Basically this will be organised into thread headers for whichever characters get together, and/or for any who come in to sit down by themselves -- in which case others can drift over to their threads if they wish to. (No hexing wars started, okay Sirius and Severus or Lucius and Marauders?!)

Alright the basic setting in the tavern room: three tables are set up buffet style near the bar at one end of the room. At the bar itself, self-serve, the selection is wine, whiskey (these two available in jugs and bottles on the bar), and in barrels behind the bar are pale ale and dark stout. Nearby there will be medieval style instruments which have been enchanted to play music on their own.

Any questions?

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