Wished Away RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Wished Away RPG

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[02 Aug 2013|10:38pm]
WHO: Wanda and Holmes
WHAT: Wanda is wandering (hehehehe) around hoping to find something to eat.
WHERE: The Tavern at the Inn
WHEN: Evening, Day 18
WARNINGS: None yet
STATUS: Incomplete

Curious brown eyes rimmed with a strikingly bright circle of silver searched the Inn for a friendly face. )

[02 Aug 2013|11:25pm]
WHO: Will Parry and James Bond
WHAT: Will is daydreaming while twirling a knife around in his hand.
WHERE: By the river's edge
WHEN: Evening, Day 18
WARNINGS: None yet
STATUS: Incomplete

The rush of the twin rivers gushing toward each other at the intersection of Roaring Fords pounded in Will's ears. )

[ viewing | August 2nd, 2013 ]
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