Wished Away RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Wished Away RPG

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[21 Jul 2013|06:43pm]
WHO: Silas, Arya, Jon, Ghost and?
WHAT: Have to eat
WHERE: Kitchen at Roaring Fords Inn
WHEN: Day 16 following this conversation
WARNINGS: probably low
STATUS: ongoing

Hungry, anyone? )

Even Lucius Malfoy has bad days [21 Jul 2013|07:26pm]
WHO: Lucius Malfoy and Kahlan and Gil
WHAT: Lucius' arrival in Enchantia
WHERE: at the Inn
WHEN: Day 16
WARNINGS: probably none
STATUS: open and ongoing

Why can't people just leave us alone? )

[21 Jul 2013|09:16pm]
WHO: Alec Lightwood and the Doctor
WHAT: Alec needs help with a painful situation.
WHERE: Alec's room at the inn
WHEN: Early afternoon, Day 16
STATUS: Incomplete

Rule number one of being a Shadowhunter: Never show weakness. )

[ viewing | July 21st, 2013 ]
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