November 28, 1997 Characters: Open to anyone Setting: Saturday. Hogsmeade Trip. Three Broomsticks Summary: Lisa's big brother has chosen to celebrate his sister's 18th with a supply of drinks for anyone who says they know her...and maybe a few who don't.
Landon Turpin was certainly an extroverted individual. From the moment he apparated to Hogsmeade that morning he was entertaining conversation and hello's with everyone he came in contact with. Despite the current political temperature the twenty-one year-old journalist was exceptionally cordial and chipper. After visiting an old friend in the Hogs Head for an hour the first visual arrival of Hogwarts students started to filter past the windows. It was then that he trotted his way over to the Three Broomsticks where the ever beautiful Madam Rosmerta greeted him by name. Unknown to his family members he had a tendency to do some work in the north. The Three Broomsticks was a decent enough landmark for meetings. But that was an entirely different story... Where were we?
It was only a matter of time that his kid sister, Lisa, and her friends joined him at the pub. With enthusiastic hugs and birthday wishes he made sure to speak to each of her friends with a jolly sort of disposition. A former Ravenclaw of '93 he recognized a few of them even if they hadn't paid a visit to the Turpin home in Northallerton recently. For those of age he willingly told them to charge whatever they wanted on his tab. For those just under the age limit he provided thirty bottles of butterbeer to anyone who might have looked nice enough to deserve one.
Overtime the crowd filtered down to their individual tables. Landon took to discussing his theories on the coming quidditch matches with an older gentlemen and a few Hogwarts students at the bar. Having played for Ravenclaw as a beater for four years he chatted openly about his past experiences and his occasional acquaintanceship with some of the now-professional players scheduled to hit the field within the next 24 hours. While he chatted he didn't pay much attention to who was charging what to his account or who was taking the butterbeers left out on an open table.