Jun. 2nd, 2008 @ 07:58 pm Compassion

Fandom: BtVS

Rating: PG

Pairing: Willow/Giles

Summary: Willow helps Giles in the aftermath of Jenny's murder

Spoilers: Post-Passion

Feedback: Pretty please. Constructive criticism is always welcome. If you want to flame me, well okay, I have cattle prods. And chainsaws.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (if I did Willow would be with Giles where she belongs!); I just hijack them and take them out for a joyride every now and then. Also, I have no beta, so any and all mistakes are solely mine. And if Joss takes it in his head to sue me, then I'll give him my collection of musicals on DVD.

Author's Note: Thanks to

[info]toimhseachan for the help! You know what you did!


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