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Back December 30th, 2009 Forward
John Sheppard [userpic]

Who: John and Mia (and the pets)
When: December 29th (yay bendy-slow times!)
Where: Mia's Place.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Status: Complete!


Skye is all bouncy because they are going Somewhere! Woot! She watches as Her Human - in black jeans, black cowboy boots and one of those white shirts with the buttons - gathers his jacket, the curious thing he called a wall let (which got shoved into a jacket pocket), and the funny communication device he had found here when they'd first arrived, and sorts himself out.

Kitteh )

location: Mia's Place
Current Mood: cheerful cheerful
Kitt [userpic]
New Year's Eve

Who: Hattie and Kitt
When: December 31st - New Year's Eve
Where: New York City
Rating/Warnings: TBD, probably not
Status: In Progress

New York City was the place to be on New Year's Eve, and even better when the hotel was as posh and elegant as the Soho Grand. It had taken a little bit of doing even for him, but Kitt had eventually managed to persuade the hotel's computer booking system to see things his way, reserving the North Loft for a stay of several days.

Certainly expensive. Certainly worthwhile.

The rest of New York City probably wasn't half bad, either.

Back December 30th, 2009 Forward