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Back August 6th, 2009 Forward
vera misham [ ace attorney ] [userpic]

who; vera & john
where; the shooting range
why; meet-up?
when; late afternoon, early evening.

Vera found a loud, yet solitary place at a open shooting range as the only people who came this late were people who didn't know what they were doing or people who had to practice late. She had a music device attached to her head so she didn't have to hear the loudness of the shots with another head attachment to make sure there was no noise.

Being reclusive, she started drawing something on her large sketch pad with her knees brought up.

Who: Karen, Mary, (Sam?) and Tater Tot.
When: Backdated to yesterday, late afternoon or early evening.
Where: Karen's house.
What: Friendliness? With a probable side of slight awkward but AWW BABY cures all!
Status/Rating: In prog, all good in this hood!

What hurts the most is being so close and having so much to say. )

Back August 6th, 2009 Forward