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Back April 25th, 2009 Forward
Jessica Moore [userpic]

Who: Sam & Jess
What: Well, Sam's wibbling and Jess is *patpat*ing
Where: Their bedroom
Why: Because Sam's decided that John Winchester is a poo-poo head
Status/Rating: Ongoing/Psh


Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]

Who: Sev and Lily
When: Evening
Where: Central Park
Rating/Warnings: I'm sure a discussion regarding phallicy foods, and who's idea it was to eat them will be the order of conversation.
Status: Complete - that ended horribly ... truly and utterly horrible

Come on take my hand // We're going for a walk, I know you can // You can wear anything as long as it's not black // Please don't mourn forever, she's not coming back )

Who: Fleur and Match
When: Saturday Afternoon - Backdated a bit.
Where: AUSTRALIA! o.o
Why: A walk and then tea. The rest is TBD.
Rating: TBD
Status: Excited.

A world away from home... )

Current Mood: bouncy bouncy
Back April 25th, 2009 Forward