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Back March 4th, 2009 Forward
Rachel (Rustler) [userpic]

Who: Dr. Banner/Hulk, Rachel
When: Last week, during the plot
Where: Hollywood ghost town
Rating/Warnings: Violence, maybe some colorful phrasing

Remy LeBeau [userpic]

Who: The Not-So-Grim Reaper, Remy Lebeau
When: Tuesday
Where: Remy's flat, New Orleans

Remy scratched his head in amusement at his godbox before padding to unlock his door and then on over to his sink. He wasn't kidding, his stash took up most of the sink. With his experience in Mardi Gras, all necklaces got a thorough washing as he collected them.

His place was comfortable and classy enough to impress strangers, warm and rich, but not make them wonder how a swamprat afforded the rent in the rebuilt Latin Quarter. The old mansion he dreamt of, for when he was younger and with Belladonna, he never stepped foot in it.

Humming a jazzy bit as he fished the reds, gold and blacks necklaces to a soft towel to dry, he danced a little in place.

Back March 4th, 2009 Forward