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Back July 12th, 2008 Forward

Who: Domino and Julien
Where: Julien's apartment
When: Early afternoon
Warnings: Sex. And lots of it.

Domino blinked and stared at her cell phone. There was no way that had actually worked. It was just. . . oh Hell, who was she kidding. She had no trouble believing in the teleportation power of her cell phone.

"Hey, uh, Julien?"

Had she introduced herself? She wasn't sure.

Lorna Dane loves rocks and math [userpic]

Who: Lorna and Simon
Where: Lorna's apartment
When: just after her arrival
Warnings: none

Lorna sat at the computer chair for a little bit, and then walked. Her legs were weak, but not as bad as she'd expected. She focused for a minute, and a spoon flew toward her, proving that the machines that faked her powers were still working.

She looked out the window for a minute, before drawing back. The sun was too much. It was all too much, really.

She sat on the couch, and curled her legs up against her chest. How could her body feel this good, and everything else be so bad? Best not to think about it, her guest would arrive soon.

Back July 12th, 2008 Forward