[18 May 2004|04:59pm]
Heya. A friend recently introduced me to Wicca, and I have done some research about it, and have determined that it's something I rather believe in. That is, most of the magickal theory. I am a firm atheist, and do not believe in Gods or Goddesses, though I have no problem with others doing so.

However, my friend just taught me some of the shielding (the sort that takes your own energy and sort of forms a shield around you with it, to protect you), and I realized I've been doing it unconsciously for a long, long time. I recently started doing it consciously, and attempting to hold it when I feel a disturbance, or when I just feel I ought to. I always trust my intuition. However, when I focus on it, I find that a few people who I know to be not of Wiccan faith turn and look at me for no reason at all, their brow furrowed. Do you know if some people can sense the shields unconsciously?

A friend also created an amulet with several Nordic runes upon it for me, and I have found that it helps immensely when it comes to focusing and dealing with fear.

I have always believed in some of the energy magic concepts, including the idea of "vampires"-- those who drain the energy of others, consciously or unconsciously.

I have heard a little about "white fire", and have attempted to weave it into some of my barriers when I feel as though it is necessary to hold off something I feel pressing against them, and I've found that whatever it is quickly ceases. However, I would appreciate some more knowledge on the subject. Do you know of any good resources?
1 spark of magick|cast a spell

[14 May 2004|02:49am]
to start out, I'd like to thank [info]angeldustrial for helping me with the first question I aksed here, and I have become better at concentrating ^_^ Practice does help out a lot too though.

I have another question, and I don't know how easily it can be answered, or if anything can be done. Even if the help/responses is a link to a page that can help me with this, it would be much appreciated.

Now then. My family has a bit of a problem. My 16 year old brother. All he does is cause problems, and is generally unpleasent to live with, unless he wants something, and at those times, he is a sweet as sugar. The rest of the time however, he is a total jerk.

Now, for the question, is there something I can do, to try and ease the stress in my home? My parents argue a lot over problems my brother causes, and its really really stressful, and I'm scared for their health, stress is not a good thing at all. Talking with my brother doesn't help at all, for a few days.. Maybe, then he goes back to being an ass.

I would've asked if there is anything I can do to make my brother easier to live with, but I think lowering the stress level would be a good start.

Thank you in advance for any help that can be offered.
2 sparks of magick|cast a spell

New layout! [05 May 2004|10:29pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Let me know what you think of it. It was a quick one, and if you give me time I'm sure I can come up with something better.

Must make this short. Got lots of sleeping to catch up on. Please, will people post about what they'd like to see out of this community? It would really help knowing what everybody wants out of it. Whether it be a BOS, a Learning Center, Anything.

Good Night And Blessed Be!

6 sparks of magick|cast a spell

Things.. [03 May 2004|08:40pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Gretchen McMahon - Air Elemental ]

I have been so busy, and otherwise a bit depressed that I had completely forgot about Beltane. For those who did celebrate I hope you had a wonderful time. If you did anything special please post, so I can live vicariously through you. Heh.

Now for a bit of News. We are now a Paid Community. Yay! Which means a much better layout, which I have to concentrate on in the next few days. Any suggestions would be great. Either post here or contact me on my personal journal.

Full Moon tomorrow, just thought I'd remind everyone. It brings out the crazies heh.

¤Blessed Be ¤

216 sparks of magick|cast a spell

As much help as I can get. [03 May 2004|09:23pm]
I have always been interested in wicca. My whole life I have never been religious in any way, but wicca has appealed to me for years.

I would greatly appreciate if you guys would give me as much info as you can. Websites that I can learn the history and origin of wicca, all the facts and basics...everything.
163 sparks of magick|cast a spell

Spell Casting [29 Apr 2004|10:40pm]
[ mood | restless ]
[ music | Enya ¤ Hope has a Place ]

So many people seem to take advantage of Magick because they believe it will help them with personal gain. Just thought I'd share a bit of my feelings about it.

You get out of spells what you put into them. Doing luck or money spells are fine if you're in a bind, but do you really know for sure that by getting what you want you aren't hurting another person for it? Best to be absolutely postive before entertaining even the simplest spell. Above all, at all times, remember the Rede: "An ye harm none, do what you will." You do not know all the effects of your spell, therefore, use magick sparingly, if at all.

And while I'm at it.. Since everyone seems to be getting sick around me, I figured there's always room for a good cold remedy. :)

Head Cold/Blocked Sinuses
1 drop eucalyptus
1 drop lavender
1 drop peppermint

201 sparks of magick|cast a spell

My first question! [25 Apr 2004|02:25am]
[ mood | annoyed ]

I know that concentration is very important for many things, including spells. I have an incredibly difficult time concentrating, my mind is constantly going, and I have a very difficult time trying to get it to stop, just relax, and not think about anything.
I've tried some basic meditation techniques, breathing in through the nose, holding it, then letting the air out through my mouth, as I concentrate just on my breathing and heart beat.. I can manage that for about 5 minutes, if that before my mind jumps to something else.

Does anyone have any other suggestions on what I can try? It is really really annoying having my mind constantly have to process and think.

Thank you.

85 sparks of magick|cast a spell

Thought it might be of somne interst [19 Apr 2004|07:46pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | HIM-I love you ]

Ummm iam new but i thought i should just post this cuz it might be of some interest or even help to some of you,
My friends an i have used this spell alot an i can honestly say Works everytime
To find whatever is lost, chant the following:
Guiding Angles,
I ask your charity,
lend me your focus and your clarity,
Bring me to the (name of what is lost) at this time,
Restoring me that and my peace of mind.
With harm to none,
This spell be done.
Let it be not reversed,
Or placed unto me as any curse.
May all astrological correspondences
Be correct for this working.
As I will it,
so mote it be.

You should find what you are looking for in a few
minutes to a week.
Ya so hope it helps ya :)

1 spark of magick|cast a spell

Welcome newcomers [18 Apr 2004|05:54pm]
[ mood | refreshed ]

Welcome all!

To tell the truth I had just about given up on this community. Seems that there's little interest for it, and the people who have joined may not feel comfortable to post.

I, myself have been a bit busy. Too busy for my own journal, or other communities in fact. But I've had some free time. If you all want this community to continue please comment on how we can better it.

I would appreciate all suggestions. So feel free to post :)


155 sparks of magick|cast a spell

Hello [18 Apr 2004|01:49am]
I just thought I would post a hello to everyone.

I'm not Wiccan, but I am interested in it, and have been for quite some time, the most I've done is work with Norse runes, I have my own set of them, I'm still learning about them though, since there are so many different ways to interpret the results.

In a way, I've been worried to do anything, but my mom convinced me it was fine, thats why I started working with runes. Strong energy exists within my mothers family line, and I guess I'm worried about my grandmothers reaction, I can tell she would know if I started anything. She used to do Tarot card readings, and predicted one of my mothers boyfriends deaths, and it happened.. After that she stopped, and now she is extremely Catholic.. I was worried it would upset her horribly if I did anything. Anyways, I think that this would be a good place for me to learn more, and possibly get some help and get answers to any questions.
2 sparks of magick|cast a spell

Greetings. [17 Apr 2004|11:01pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

Hello. I just joined this community. First off, I need to simply point out, I am not wiccan, but I have been extremely interested in it for some time now. I was hoping to learn more about it before I do anything that I could possibly regret. I was also hoping for some advice.

I do have one question that I could use answering...Is it possible to be both Christian and Wiccan?

6 sparks of magick|cast a spell

help ... [17 Apr 2004|01:34pm]

I thought b*c neither of you seemed to know much about Wicca or witch craft .... that I would help explain it ...

Because Wicca is a religion free of any central dogma, I can only speak in generalities about its beliefs. Wicca, like many religions, recognizes Deity as dual. It worships both the God and the Goddess. These deities are equals, loving and warm, not detached living in heaven but omnipresent throughout the universe. Wiccans do not believe in or worship Satan. They generally believe that all evil originates with human kind and is not the production of the devil. Many Wiccans believe in the doctrine of reincarnation. They believe that humans posses souls as do animals and elements. Wicca is a religion that utilizes magic and magical ritual. Much as Catholic priests use magical ritual to transform wine into the blood of Christ. Prayer is a form of magic used to commune with Deity. Magic is simply the use of naturally occurring energy to produce change either in one's self or the external world. There is nothing supernatural about magic. Wiccans believe in free will and that humans have full control of and responsibility for our lives. Our weaknesses and miss deeds are not blamed on some evil deity.

Wiccans all follow this basic tenant: Do whatever you want to do as long as you harm none. Wiccans also believe in the three fold law of return. This law simply states that anything you put out such as magic, you receive times three. Therefore, a Wiccan would never cast a negative spell, for if they did it would come back on them three times as strong. So becareful!

The Elements:

Earth - Earth is our Mother and represents the densest of the Elements.

Air - Air is the power of movement, the mind and the intellect.

Fire - Fire is the creater and destroyer, and yet must be cotrolled to be of benefit to us.

Water - Water is cleansing and healing, an energy that gives us life.

Table of Astral Colors
Sun Sign Birthdate Primary Color Secondary Color
AQUARIUS January 20-February 18 BLUE Green
PISCES February 19-March 20 WHITE Green
ARIES March 21-April 19 WHITE Pink
TAURUS April 20-May 20 RED Yellow
GEMINI May 21-June 21 RED Blue
CANCER June 22-July 22 GREEN Brown
LEO July 23-August 22 RED Green
VIRGO August 23-September 22 GOLD Black
LIBRA September 23-October 22 BLACK Blue
SCORPIO October 23-November 21 BROWN Black
SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21 GOLD Red
CAPRICORN December 22-January 19 RED Brown

Symbolism of Colors In Candle Magick
WHITE Purity, Truth, Sincerity
RED Strength, Health, Vigor, Sexual Love
LIGHT BLUE Tranquility, Understanding, Patience, Health
DARK BLUE Impulsiveness, Depression, Changeability
GREEN Finance, Fertility, Luck
GOLD/YELLOW Attraction, Persuasion, Charm, Confidence
BROWN Hesitation, Uncertainty, Neutrality
PINK Honor, Love, Morality
BLACK Evil, Loss, Discord, Confusion
Purple Tension, Ambition, Business Progress, Power
SILVER/GRAY Cancellation, Neutrality, Stalemate
ORANGE Encouragement, Adaptability, Stimulation, Attraction
GREENISH-YELLOW Sickness, Cowardice, Anger, Jealousy, Discord

Magick is a practice wich involves utilizing the power which is in each one of us. Please bear in mind the Wiccan Rede when performing any magickal act "And it harm none, do what thou wilt". Magick should never be used to harm or to control another person. Also remember the rule of three -- that whatever you do shall return to you threefold. Keep your magick positive, and you surround yourself with good karma. Use your magick to cause harm to, or control another and you will wind up bringing harm to yourself.

A simple first spell to try would be, the changin of eye color ...

  • First you must be in a darker, quieter area
  • Close your eyes (You must have complete focus for this to work)
  • Fill your mind w/ the color that your eyes really are.
  • This about that color for about 5 mins
  • Then picture the color your want for about 3 mins
  • After this you must chant "become of me," three times

You will feel pretty stupid doin this, but trust me it works. We have done this many times, and have even taught ppl the "craft" w/ this simple spell ... if it doesnt work the frist time try it again, dont give up...

Well I hope this helps you and anyone else that might be intrested ... If you need help just ask ... I am always here ...

4 sparks of magick|cast a spell

.... [17 Apr 2004|09:13am]
haha I got it to work ... Do you guyz do wicca? Me, my cousin, and a few other ppl at my school do ... Ill try and get my cousin to join this ... maybe I will make another Asylum ... who knowz yet ... Let me know what you think and tell me about yourself ....
2 sparks of magick|cast a spell

Is this how this works? [15 Jan 2004|05:25pm]
This is the first time I have tried to do an Asylum thiny. I guess I'm seeing if this works. If it does happy days!!!
8 sparks of magick|cast a spell

Welcome! [23 Dec 2003|12:16pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Merry Meet

Post as often as you like in this community. If you have any questions just ask! Or feel free to post a comment or question in my main journal.


6 sparks of magick|cast a spell

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Wiccan Life

Maintainer: angeldustrial


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Wiccans are spell binding people.