March 8th, 2012

[info]rowanoak in [info]wiacademy

Characters: Rowan and Sibyl
Setting: Their room, 3:57 AM on Friday, March 9th
Content: SFW But lots of screaming?
Summary: Scary things happen!

It had been such a trying week for Rowan. With all the weird things going on, Sibyl letting on that she had a weird drawing spell, potions mishaps and a horse in Bekka's room were bad enough, but to have Lys go missing like this and no one have any answers or be at her family's house was the last straw. The past few nights Rowan had been tossing and turning, barely getting any sleep at all, and when she did it was full of awful nightmares where her mother and Lys were together somewhere and dancing in a circle of blood, or Lys and Keegan were running ahead of her and she just couldn't catch up to them, or even just random violence and gore. This was not the usual fare for her even at her worst and it was obviously a product of stress and worry and nervousness.

Sometimes the nightmares woke her up screaming into her pillow, but tonight was different. She was trying to follow Lys through a house that was like a maze of doors and she kept picking the wrong ones, falling through them into horrors, or simply falling into blackness only to end up in the hallway again, just in time to see Lys go around a corner and disappear. It was at one of the times where she had actually seen the door that her best friend went through, and she raced to catch up and use the same door, calling out to the Van Ripper girl only... the door lead to a sea of blood and she was traveling so fast through the doorway that she couldn't stop and so down she went into it with a gasp...

...and sat upright in bed, gasping and heaving, covered in sweat and with tears on her face.

Panting, realizing that it was only a dream, she put a hand on her forehead and turned to get her glasses from the nightstand. Placing them on her face, she swung her feet over the side and sat up, just trying to get her breathing under control again and not wake up her roommate. Heart pounding in her chest still, but starting to slow, she glanced at the flower on her nightstand, on top of her current nighttime reading, and took another deep breath. Feeling better, Rowan flopped back onto her bed with her eyes closed. It took a bit sometimes, but she was usually good at calming down from these nightmares without much of a fuss. Or she would have been if she didn't open her eyes again.