January 20th, 2012

[info]wiacademymods in [info]wiacademy

Your Attention Please

The Washington Irving Academy is now officially open for gameplay!

Thank you so much for deciding to join our game! When posting, please tag your threads with the characters involved, as well as the !incomplete tag until they are !complete, and remember that the mods are just a poke away if there are any questions.

Happy gaming, everyone!

[info]studiesallnight in [info]wiacademy

[Email to: all Students]

To: all students [students@wia.edu]
From: Bekka [RebeccaWalkky@wia.edu]
Subject: update in primaries

To all:

Rick Perry has suspended his presidential campaign and lends his support to Newt Gingrich. Appropriate adjustments have been made and the table is open. Please contact me for any questions.

Hurry! Time is running out!

[info]merrymari in [info]wiacademy

Characters: Vincenzo Ciccarelli, Marina Howard, Casey Rycroft
Setting: Washington Irving Academy, various places, Saturday January 21st, afternoon
Content: SFW
Summary: Mari has invited the boys to the House Crane common room for belated birthday presents for Vinnie, and early ones for Casey.

Party time! )