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What If Haven

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Vorian/Irena [17 May 2008|07:30pm]
Antul was underground. That meant nothing as far as when the entire world moved. Granted, there was a lot less damage to Antul than there were to a dozen other places on the island, but it was still something that had significantly rocked everyone involved.

People were fighting for his attention, but all he remembered was hearing someone say that the Queen had collapsed. The fact that Irena was hurt made it hard to concentrate. He'd been doing everything that he could to learn to take Irena into account. So his inclination was to go find out what was wrong with her, but his duties still had to be taken care of. So it was hours before he finally made it to see her. The early orders had been sent out. People were told that they should only be bothering him if it was absolutely necessary at this point. The King was going to see to his Queen, or at least find out if she was well taken care of by those who were employed to take care of her.

When he reached the doors to her apartment, they were closed and a guard was standing there. The man bowed to him and opened the door to him. With that, he strode in and those who were there reflexively bowed to him before starting to clear away some. The Physician did stop him for a moment though.

"She's somewhat weak, your highness, please do not stress her." He was given no words, just one of those looks that spoke quite plainly of an oncoming execution should he continue to speak. Vorian's blue eyes were cloudy when he stopped at her bedside, hands clasped behind his back in that well trained military fashion he'd perfected over the years.

"Irena," his worry was all in his voice, contained in the sound of her name.
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