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"AND WHEN" : A Story of Alexanderine Knox, Had There Been a Tale to Tell [16 May 2008|03:07am]

And when he needed her, she went to him. In the comfort of one another's company, Alexanderine promised her dearest friend, confidant, and now Alpha, that she would never leave him again. At least, Caleb must have known, not while he needed her there. Within her heart was the greatest love for a man that would never be hers, nor would she ever be his, in that one particular way that hearts work when it wishes to be completely given to another. This was a love for a friend, a soulmate of sorts, and just as she knew her own heart, Alexanderine knew that all which Caleb wished for he would receive. All that he could be, he would become, as all he needed to do would be accomplished--so long as she was by his side. No one can stand alone in this world, despite how often it is attempted.

Smile for me, Al. )

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