Whispers from Whittle Well -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
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[12 Dec 2010|07:03pm]
Week 27:
Week beginning Monday 5th April – Sunday 11th

A drizzly grey week ahead

The news of the succesful surgery on Nate Thomaston and the fact it was performed by women has really gotten people thinking.
The Monster has been spotted heading to the tower.
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Hope [12 Dec 2010|07:11pm]
Who: Nate and Abby
Day: Tuesday
Time: 9pm
Where: Thomaston Manor
Summary: Nate can move!

Surgery had gone well. )
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The streets are not safe [12 Dec 2010|07:47pm]
Who: Kael and Eli
Day: Wednesday
Time: 5pm
Where: Streets
Summary: Kael has had to venture in to the streets to buy food, keeping a close eye on Eli.

Kael took a deep breath as he glanced at his pocket watch. He didn’t want to be out late and he didn’t want to go too far. The streets were nearly deserted. There was one stall open, the food wasn’t of good quality and he was charging too much, but what choice did Kael have? “Eli?” He asked panicked for a moment because he couldn’t see him.
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It's not Monster Hunting Season! [12 Dec 2010|07:55pm]
Who: Wade and Dale
Day: Thursday
Time: 10:45pm
Where: Clock Tower
Summary: The detectives go a monster hunting!

Dale stopped on the stairs and turned around to look at Wade who was shouting at him. “Look, I’m here okay?! I’m not going to go back, we’ve chased him here, we need to see this through, he can’t go anywhere but up.” Dale shrugged, he wasn’t supposed to be on the beat yet. But he had spotted Wade chasing someone, or something after it had killed a number of people on the street and he had followed.
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Happy families [12 Dec 2010|08:02pm]
Who: Open to Everyone in the Thomaston Manor
Day: Wednesday
Time: 10am
Where: Thomaston Manor
Summary: Nate gets fussed

Morgan smiled as she helped Nate sit up in bed, shifting some pillows behind him, “You need a shave.” She smiled.
”And a hair cut.” Nate added as he took a deep breath, “I don’t remember sitting up being so tiring.” He smiled softly.
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