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[Apr. 25th, 2011|12:25 am]
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Who: "Hey You" aka Scotty's Tribble
When: 2259.115 [04/25] -- during gamma shift
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → Deck 7: Scotty's Office
What: A chocolate egg just happens to get into the Tribble's cage...
Rating: G
Notes: This is the kick off for our Tribble plot! For more info, visit the OOC plotty post.

Babies that would have babies that would have babies! )

OOC: They will reproduce and fall out of the cage and spread into hallways and things. Random NPC people will pick them up and spread them to lounges and the mess and the Bridge-- and everywhere else. So go nuts! Tribbles people. :D Cracky fun! (Just know that they won't really be all over crazy-like right off the bat. It'll build... with a population explosion tomorrow [04/26] afternoon.)
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