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[May. 27th, 2011|12:06 am]
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Who: Leonard McCoy + OPEN
When: 2259.147 [05/27] -- midday
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → Deck 7: Sickbay
What: A fun new virus goes sweeping through the 'ship.
Rating: G
OOC: Feel free to have your kids get sick or have to fill in for sick coworkers or acting paranoid about falling ill or what have you for the next few days. :)

By the sixth case of the day, McCoy was officially tired of this virus. )
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[Apr. 23rd, 2011|11:59 pm]

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WHO: Christine, Gaila, and Nyota!
WHAT: Dinner!
WHEN: 2259.113 [April 23rd, 2259] Evening
WHERE: Christine's quarters!

She had liberated food from the mess. )
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[Apr. 14th, 2011|12:37 am]

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Message Type: Text
To: Nyota Uhura
From: Yaxara Dabisch
Date: 2259.104 (April 14th)
Subject: (no subject)

You have unread messages )
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[Apr. 5th, 2011|02:37 pm]

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WHO: Gaila and OPEN! (NO BOYS!)
WHAT: Gaila is having a slumber party!! No boys allowed!
WHERE: Gaila/Heather's Quarters
WHEN: 2259.094 (April 4th) After Alpha Shift

Christine had told Gaila this was a foolish endeavour )
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[Mar. 23rd, 2011|02:50 pm]

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WHO: Gaila, Christine Chapel, Open to Nyota Uhura
WHEN: 2259.078 (March 19)
WHERE: Outside Chris's Quarters
WHAT: Gaila tries to stir Chris from her room.

Gaila had been knocking for what seemed liked forever. )
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[Mar. 20th, 2011|11:49 pm]

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Message Type: Text
To: Nyota Uhura
From: Yaxara Dabisch
When: 2259.079 (March 20)
Subject: Denobulan

You have a message. )
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the immediate meeting [Mar. 20th, 2011|03:12 pm]
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Who: N. Uhura and Spock
When: 2259.079 (March 20), after Beta shift
Where: Uhura's quarters
What: After meticulous planning, Spock and Uhura finally spend some personal time together.
Rating: TBD

Gaila, of course, gently teased her at 'finally getting her man back', which Uhura responded to with an eyeroll. )
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[Feb. 2nd, 2011|12:25 am]
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Who: Nyota Uhura, Spock
When: 2259.033 -- late evening
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → Deck 6 mess hall
What: Uhura attempts to master the intricacies of the Klingon language
Rating: PG-13? (TBD, Klingon swearing will certainly be involved)

The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high )
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[Jan. 18th, 2011|12:45 pm]
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Message Type: Text
To: Christine Chapel, Pavel Chekov, Nyota Uhura
From: Lt. Hikaru Sulu
When: 225901.18 (January 18th)
Subject: Interviews

you have [#1] new message(s) )
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[Jan. 15th, 2011|03:41 am]
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Who: Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura, npc!patrons/waiters/etc.
When: 2256.52 [02/21/2256 -- backdated]
Where: 1300 on Filmore → San Francisco, CA
What: Leonard manages to swing a date with Uhura after helping her with some classwork. It doesn't exactly go well.
Rating: PG

Cadet Uhura was an exceptionally beautiful woman-- younger, of course, but weren't they all?-- who was intelligent and tough as nails. )
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