New Frontiers - March 19th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 19th, 2011

[Mar. 19th, 2011|12:48 am]


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Who: Captain Kirk!droid & OPEN
When: 2259.077 [03/18/2259]
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → Various Decks
What: Kirk!droid beams aboard the Enterprise for information. Who will he encounter?
Rating: PG-13
Notes: If you would like to interact with Kirk!droid, start a subthread with the title of the Deck & Room it takes place on. Anyone who wants some interaction will get it, just don't expect it to be too long. Kirkdroid is on a mission!

The android was a flawless recreation of the young captain )
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[Mar. 19th, 2011|02:44 am]
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Who: Leonard McCoy and Christine Chapel
When: 2259.077 [03/18/2259] -- sometime during beta shift (backdated by a day)
Where: U.S.S. Enterprise → Deck 6, Room 21: Christine Chapel's quarters
What: McCoy gets the lowdown on the away mission and decides to prescribe his Head Nurse an age-old remedy: bourbon.
Rating: PG-13 maybe?

'Chapel, you in there?' )
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[Mar. 19th, 2011|03:38 pm]
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Who: Gabby Carlotti + Ann Mulhall (+ OPEN if anyone else wants!)
When: 2259.078 (March 19), Mid-to-Late Alpha Shift
Where: Near/In Sickbay
What: Gabby is covering for Christine after the Away Mission
Rating: TBD

Gabby had been drinking a lot of coffee to get her through the new rotation )
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