Where is LiveJournal?

down for a while @ 07:25 am

It's about 7:30am (EST) and apparently LiveJournal's been down for about 5 hours so far?

No update on status.livejournal.org, which was last updated 4:44 am GMT (Tuesday, July 15).

Why did LJ die? :(

edit: LiveJournal never finishes loading, and nothing will display. On my status bar, it just shows that it's stuck on "Transferring data from p-stat.livejournal.com..."

I'm using Firefox v2 (Windows XP), and I'm in the states. It also won't load in IE.

I wonder why no one's said anything in so many hours...

edit x2: ~10:40am EST, LJ seems to be back up again. That was a lot of hours of downtime!

Where is LiveJournal?