The Whedonverse Embassy

August 8th, 2007

02:27 pm - [info]yourlibrarian - Syndication feed cost alert

Hi everyone

I thought I'd bring some things to everyone's attention re: feeds (from LJ or elsewhere) that I wasn't aware of until this afternoon. That is that IJ allows syndication subscriptions on a "point" basis. You can see that explained here. In short, the more people subscribe to a syndicated feed the cheaper it gets for everyone to use.

As I have a permanent account here, I'm not concerned about my costs for feeds since I have more points than I'll likely every use. However I know that many people have free accounts but would like to have a number of them (Whedon related or otherwise), so I thought I'd send out this heads-up.

For those who didn't see it in the intro post, you can check out Whedon syn feeds at [info]jossverse_syn, and also post any there (or here) you have been creating.

Also, for anyone who may have better knowledge than I do about feeds, the ones I created for newsletters are not coming through. I'm not clear why this is since I've been receiving posts for all the others I've set up so far. Coincidentally it's all newsletters -- the Su Herald, Whedon Updates and SPN Newsletter -- that are not coming through. This is also true of Metafandom. Every other community? There. I've put in a support request but does anyone have any ideas?
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