What Price? Out of Character - September 25th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price? Out of Character

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September 25th, 2009

The random things you find. [Sep. 25th, 2009|03:36 pm]


[Current Mood |curious]

So, because JKR now has a twitter, I went to her website after so long of not looking at it and started flipping through the 'wizard of the month' archives and kept coming across some really interesting random people. So, if anyone's creativity or plotiness wants to be inspired, here are a few:

Carlotta Pinkstone (1922-present)
Famous campaigner for lifting the International Confederation of Wizard's Statue of Secrecy and telling Muggles that wizards still exist. Ms. Pinkstone has been imprisoned several times for her blatant and deliberate use of magic in public places.

Jocunda Sykes (1915-present)
Famous for flying across the Atlantic on a broomstick - the first person to do so.

Hambledon Quince (1936-present)
Author of controversial theory that wizards originate from Mars, Muggles from mushrooms.

Lorcan d'Eath (1964-present)
Heartthrob singer, part vampire, nineteen weeks at number 1 with hit song 'Necks to You'.

Laurentia Fletwock (1947-present)
Celebrated breeder and racer of winged horses. Has campaigned for tighter restrictions on broomstick use.

Daisy Hookum (1962-present)
Wrote bestseller 'My Life as a Muggle', after giving up magic for a year. Married to celebrity gardener Tilden Toots.

Glenda Chittock (1964-present)
Popular presenter on the WWN programme 'Witching Hour'.

Tarquin McTavish (1955-present)
Imprisoned for crimes against Muggle neighbour, who was discovered trapped inside McTavish's kettle.

Two former Ministers are on there too and not sure if they are in any of the lexicon places yet or not. Although Artemisia Lufkin has been mentioned already:

Grogan Stump (1770-1884)
Popular Minister for Magic, appointed 1811.
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