What Price? - August 17th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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August 17th, 2009

So here's the thing... [Aug. 17th, 2009|01:37 pm]


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Who: Minerva McGonagall and Charlie Weasley
What: Charlie catches up Minerva on current events.
When: Monday afternoon, 17 August 2009
Where: The Lion's Head, Godric's Hollow
Warnings: Charlie's mouth, but rather less of it than usual.
Status: Complete

The Lion's Head was one of those storybook English country pubs, owned and managed by the umpteenth generation of landlords since time immemorial, with the village gaffer holding up his end of the bar and local bitter on tap. It was sufficiently old-fashioned enough to also be a functioning inn, and in one of the few remaining towns where wizarding folk could move freely, it had seen more than its fair share of custom in the last year and a half.

Minerva McGonagall was fairly certain that the landlords were charging her the merest fraction of their usual rates; she had attempted to argue, but they wouldn't hear of it. They'd insisted as well on giving her one of their best rooms, a suite on the second floor that actually had a tiny receiving room as well as a bedroom, and it was in that receiving room that she waited for Charlie Weasley with a mixture of pleasure and deep trepidation.
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