What Price? - August 8th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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August 8th, 2009

[Aug. 8th, 2009|03:32 pm]
[Current Music |"Ohio", Over the Rhine]

Who: Harry Potter
What: Harry sneaks into the Potter farm garden for potion ingredients.
When: Friday, August 7, 3:00 A.M.
Where: Potter Farm, Wales
Warnings: PG
Status: Narrative, Completed

Every few seconds, he glanced at the dark empty windows of the farmhouse with mingled longing and fear. )
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Charlie and Ollie on stakeout [Aug. 8th, 2009|06:30 pm]


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Who: Charlie Weasley and Oliver Wood
What: Stakeout
When: Early Saturday morning, 8 August
Where: On the roof of a building near St Pancras
Warnings: Charlie and Ollie are potty mouths
Status: Closed, complete.

The sun was not yet up when Charlie joined Oliver on the roof of the building where they'd set up the stakeout. He was careful and quiet as he took the outside stairway up; a silencing spell meant the ladder didn't clang as he pulled himself up from the alleyway. Charlie expected to be caught out before he could put the touch on Ollie, but Ollie had to be expecting him to try. He started to pull himself up on the roof but hesitated, just sticking his head up far enough to see what Ollie was up to.
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[Aug. 8th, 2009|08:07 pm]
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Who: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger
What: Harry administers a Draught of Living Death to Hermione in disguise.
When: Sunday afternoon, August 9th
Where: St. Pancras, London
Warning: R for language.
Status: Closed, completed

Don't be daft. You can't even. Get yourselves out. You two. )
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[Aug. 8th, 2009|08:20 pm]
[Current Music |"Vampires Will Never Hurt You"- My Chemical Romance]

Who: Harry Potter
What: Harry Imperius' Agent Reece F. Fox. He will have him move Hermione from St. Pancras to the golf course in a body bag the following night.
When: Saturday, August 8th, evening.
Where: Agent Fox' car.
Warning: Rating of around PG-13 for vindictiveness and immoral activities.
Status: Narrative, Complete

Ten minutes later, Agent Fox climbed out of the backseat, straightened his clothes, and returned to the driver's side door of his vehicle. )
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