What Price? - June 17th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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June 17th, 2009

Email [Jun. 17th, 2009|05:24 pm]
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Date: 17 June 2009
To: imthedoctor@gmail.com
From: cille@gmail.com
Subject: A second opinion?

My dear boy: I wonder if I might have a few minutes of your time to discuss something that came up at the conference. Perhaps if I treat you to luncheon it might make the effort worth your time?

It was lovely to meet you, by-the-bye, and do please give my regards to your family.

- Cille Granger
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OPEN: Wednesday gig, The Potion Bar [Jun. 17th, 2009|05:31 pm]
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Who: Hermione Granger and OPEN (Cho, Samrat, Ernie, Katie, MI7 op? feel free to thread amongst yourselves or with Hermione)
Where: The Potion Bar, London
When: Evening, Wednesday 17 June 2009
What: Hermione fills in for the regular Wednesday-night performer

Now my life will change forever... )
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