What Price? - May 29th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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May 29th, 2009

[May. 29th, 2009|01:07 am]
Who: Malcolm Baddock: some mysterious super-secret-spy backstory, baby
What: A walk in the park turns into some reflective time.
When: Friday, May 29; afternoon
Where: A park in Chelsea
Rating: PG

He had been busy reflecting upon his week, losing himself in thoughts of the past and unanswered questions that continued to puzzle him )
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"All the things that we've been through... you should understand me like I understand you..." [May. 29th, 2009|09:45 pm]
[Tags|, , , ]
[Current Music |"If you don't know me by now" : Simply Red]

Who: Neville Longbottom, Andrew Kirke, Seamus Finnigan, Theo Nott, and the orange
What: Oaths are made, promises sworn, and three enemies (plus Nev) go to investigate a house to try and retrieve what items may be left inside before the muggles do. Their secondary motive is to make enough profit to help in financing the Staffa effort. Things do not go well.
Where: The first of the houses that Neville has been plotting to go into for months now - the temporary home of Rabastan Lestrange after war's end.
When: last Tuesday, May 26 - late, late at night
Rating: Hard R for violence, language, sexual reference, and really weird anthropology
Notes: The former players in this RP were gracious enough to allow me to post this RP in the hopes that a storyline could be salvaged on a plot that's been underway since March or so. Because neither of them is in the game any longer, I have stopped the thread where it was and added a OOC summary of what was to happen in this portion with Cozza's feedback. This seemed better than trying to puppet characters to which I couldn't do justice or rewriting the entire thing. Understandably, new Theo or new Seamus will not be a part of this SL - I just thought it wouldn't be cool to replace the names and the work that they helped to put together.

"I've called you here," Neville said, his voice quiet as it cut through the sounds of the other men. "Not only to make the plans that we already have just now between us, but to ensure that they'll last." Dark eyes rested on one man, then another, falling first on Andrew, then Seamus, and finally Theo. "And for that reason, I've got to ask you to trust one more time. Not just me, but each other."

You're not eating him, squeezing him, licking him, marrying him or any of that. )
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